Many of the archetypal messages of this summer’s astrology relate to devotion and our relationship with our teachers and teachings.

Mid-July brings us a shift in the position of Jupiter that will influence us for a year; it is a position that allows us to connect to our source of inspiration, our hearts’ desire, and true power. Choose your inspirations wisely, as they will have a lasting effect.

July 2

The Moon will be full in Sagittarius today, promoting a mindset of hope and optimism. Today is a good day to spend with your teachers and drink in their wisdom. But be careful, because Mars is also combust, burned up in the rays of the Sun, which can lead to communication frustrations. At this time, Venus and Jupiter are in a very close conjunction in Cancer, which influences the elevation of relationships toward a more divine purpose.

This Full Moon will be in Purva Ashada, the star of devotion and discrimination. It will be important to resist blindly following others.

July 14

Jupiter enters Leo today, where he will be for the next year. This long-term shift will align our teachings with our true power and hearts’ desire. Whatever inspires us will be powerful for the next year. Make sure your beliefs and teachers are worthy of your attention.

July 15

The Sun and Moon will come together today in Gemini, showing a focus on ideas and communication for the next 30 days. This New Moon happens in the very late degrees of Gemini, where ideas are becoming immersed in the heart (Cancer). Mars and Mercury are also joined this New Moon, continuing the theme of frustrating communication issues. Beware of this today.

This Full Moon will be in Punarvasu Nakshatra. The name literally means return of the light. It is a star of hope and renewed optimism.

July 25

Venus turns retrograde in Leo today. Expect some relationship changes and perhaps even relationship upheavals between now and September 6, when Venus ceases being retrograde. These relationship changes have the potential to alert us to higher possibilities and greater devotion. Venus is where we find happiness in life; unfortunately, we tend to seek happiness in others. Look deep within for a higher love and source of beauty.

July 31

The Moon will be full in Capricorn today and opposite the Sun in Cancer, an intensely emotional sign. The rational quality of Capricorn is to balance these intense emotions. This particular Full Moon is also called Guru Purnima, the Full Moon of the Guru or teacher. Today is the greatest day of the year to fully understand the teachings of your Guru, and see into them beyond your fantasies and beliefs. All great teachers want nothing more than to see their students applying their teachings; make your teachers happy by putting their teachings into practice. Mars is debilitated in Cancer, so we may be lacking in discipline. Maintain physical strength and routines. You may substitute devotion for discipline.

This Full Moon will be in Shravana Nakshatra. Shravana means hearing. It shows a connection to music, mantras, and listening for the hidden truth behind words.

August 14

The Moon will be new today in Cancer, continuing the cycle that inspires the elevation of emotions to pure love and devotion. Cancer is related to a mother’s love for a child, or others we serve such as our companion animals. Transactional relationships, such as some romantic ones, may disappoint or even cause us pain, relative to the level of personal desire we have invested in them.

This New Moon is joined by debilitated Mars and retrograde Venus, showing an empassioned (even conflicted) nature, and an inner struggle between compromise and accommodation.

This Moon will be in Aslesha Nakshatra, also called the entwiner. This Nakshatra shows how we can get tangled up in our feelings and emotions: When we are entwined with pure love, it takes us straight to the heart; yet when we are entangled in desire, there is suffering – even pathology.

August 29

The Moon will be full in Aquarius today and opposing the Sun in Leo. In the Aquarius Full Moon, we balance service and selflessness with our individual will. Higher causes may dominate your thinking but they must be connected to your heart’s desire, otherwise you could become resentful, feeling like a servant rather than feeling and being of service. On this Full Moon the Sun is joined Jupiter in Leo, which brings the influences of optimism, faith, and courage to this process.

This Full Moon will be in Shatabhishak Nakshatra. Shatabhishak means 100 doctors and shows a connection to higher, mystical healing remedies and thinking.

Sam Geppi is an internationally respected Vedic astrology teacher. For free Vedic Astrology DVDs and courses for students at all levels, visit:

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