Immerse yourself in the ancient wisdom of feminine healers during a week in Ojai.

Join a group of Siberian healers and shamans in an immersive weekend-long retreat exploring love and relationships, filled with mystical rituals, ancient wisdom, blessings, laughter, sensual dancing, and yoga for rejuvenation. Learn the ancient art of harmonious relations for business and personal life, methods to use feminine charm to attain goals, energy practices for relaxation, techniques to strengthen psychological defense mechanisms and how to reduce emotional stress. Embody divine feminine power, which is the energy of beauty, clarity, harmony, and love through the healing of the second chakra and the power of the divine feminine to unleash creative potential and discover hidden talents, charisma, and sensuality.

Sacred Feminine Retreat

May 13-15, Ojai


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Stay informed and inspired with the best of the week in Los Angeles, etc. and more ...

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Stay Informed & Inspired

Stay informed and inspired with the best of the week in Los Angeles, etc. and more ...

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