About Nadine Kijner
Nadine Kijner has a BA in Psychology from Boston University, a Masters Degree in Mass Communication from Emerson College, and a Masters Degree in Professional Writing from USC. She writes creative non-fiction, magazine articles, essays, and short stories. She is writing her first book, which falls somewhere between literary fiction and memoir. From an early age she picked up her first Tarot deck and has been offering Intuitive Tarot Readings professionally for over 20 years. She received the Best Of Los Angeles Award for Wellness and Intuitive Tarot Reading in 2021. She is also very grateful to have received this award in 2019, 2018 and 2015. She found her way to Bryan Kest’s yoga class on Santa Monica Blvd above Radio Shack many moons ago, and has never looked back, as her Yoga practice magically transformed her life physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Alchemy every time she gets on her mat to practice. After having done literally hundreds of Bryan's classes, she now practices home yoga regularly - hearing his voice in her head as she moves through the asanas. Before savasana, she does a gratitude practice he would teach in class before meditation. In fact, she can be seen way too often walking her 9.5 year old Shepherd, Ladybear, through the streets North of Montana, recounting aloud not only to her dog, but to the flowers and the trees, about all the things she is grateful for. And they are endless. She offers virtual, private Intuitive Tarot Reading sessions which can be booked through her website www.nadinekijner.com. She also reads Astrology charts and is a Reiki Master, offering soothing long distance energy healings. Before the Pandemic, she was booked for all kinds of events - parties, showers, birthdays, halloween, and a weekly event where she read Tarot for Fitgirlclub events at the Mondrian Hotel. Follow her on Facebook at - Nadine Kijner - or on Instagram @Nadinekijner - where you can watch her Tarot Card of the Day videos she creates. She also tutors and teaches Intuitive Tarot Workshops, if you’d like to learn Tarot. She loves salad, is disciplined about her yoga practice, loves dresses, and slow waking with morning coffee or matcha. She is immensely grateful for so many things, but especially to Ladybear, her constant furry companion, that has made getting through this pandemic a daily joy filled with love.