About Parashakti

Parashakti's shamanic healing work is born of more than two decades of experience facilitating workshops, trainings, and retreats around the world, in Los Angeles, New York, Mexico, Bali, Guatemala, Indonesia, Israel, and Greece.  As a lifelong dancer, her path as a healer followed a severe injury – a period of what is often called shamanic dismantling, after which her mission shifted towards healing. Over the last 20 years, Parashakti has developed the Seven Foundations and the Dance of Liberation™, as maps for her spiritual practice, living and breathing these foundations in daily ritual. Dance of Liberation™ has been practiced by over 10,000 dancers around the globe. It’s was born of a mission to help people experience ecstasy – without taking it. Above all, Parashakti is dedicated to serving community and creating a sacred container where people feel safe enough to experience their deepest essences, honor their voices, and shine their brightest light. Join her on the Dance floor: www.parashakti.org

The Ancient Art of Giving and Receiving: the Dance of Light and Kabbalah

Connecting to Kabbalah I was born in Jerusalem, and have at times struggled to connect with the spiritual tradition of my native land, including the Orthodox Judaism of my father. At times, Native American and yogic traditions have felt far more like “home” than the traditions of my bloodline. Recently, though, I’ve been exploring the [...]

By |2019-06-08T23:02:28-07:00April 5th, 2019|Spirituality|0 Comments

Sweat as Prayer: My Urban Sweat Lodge

Joe K & Parashakti Photographed by Vanessa Viola. Parashakti Clothing by Onzie. Sweat as Prayer, on the Dance Floor, in the Sweat Lodge, in the Yoga Studio To Sweat is to pray, to make an offering of your innermost self. Sweat is holy water, prayer beads, pearls of liquid that release your past. [...]

By |2020-02-11T15:17:24-08:00March 18th, 2019|Spirituality|0 Comments
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