Photo at Shakti Fest by Sandra Goodin
In 2019, Shakti Fest and Bhakti Fest move to a new Joshua Tree location.
The devotional festivals of Shakti Fest and Bhakti Fest are experiencing some exciting new changes for 2019. The venue that has hosted the festival for a decade has run into site restrictions with San Bernardino County. This has led to a fresh destination for the event’s locale.
Founder Sridhar Silberfein says, “We are so excited that we have found a fantastic place for Shakti Fest 2019 and to be staying in the amazing vibration of Joshua Tree, California. Our new location is the Joshua Tree Lake Campground. The Lake has hosted the Joshua Tree Music Festival for 18 years and offers a beautiful high desert hillside setting with a picturesque lake.”
The festivals are filled with yoga classes, spiritual lectures, vegetarian food, and celebratory singing and dancing to the call-and-response sacred music of kirtan.

Photo of Kristin Olson and Girish at Shakti Fest by Sandra Goodin
Dance, Sing, Eat, Learn
Shakti and Bhakti Fests nourish and recharge the body and mind. At the same time, these sacred events provide the space for attendees to cultivate connections with community, the divine, and the self. Beyond the chanting, a number of features offer a full festival experience. An extensive healing sanctuary offers bodywork and wellness modalities. The space will also have a sound temple. Be prepared to celebrate at the dance temple featuring top spiritual DJs. Bring young ones to the Bhakti Kids Land and Family Village. Settle in for transformation at the immersive mantra dome.
Shakti Fest Yoga Teachers include: MC YOGI, Shiva Rea, Saul David Raye, Mark Whitwell, Govind Das and Radha, Kia Miller, Hemalayaa, Jaya Lakshmi, Leeza Villagomez, Mas Vidal, Nubia Teixeira, Kristin Olson, and more.
Kirtan artists playing at Shakti Fest include the following. Jai Uttal, Jaya Lakshi and Ananda, Govind Das and Radha, MC YOGI, Saul David Raye, and Amritakripa. The Hanuman Project, SriKala, Sita Devi, Larisa Stow and Shakti Tribe, Gina Sala, Sirgun Kaur, Joss Jaffe, Girish, Donna De Lory, David Newman, and more.
Shakti Fest Workshop leaders include noted teachers and authors. Laugh and learn with Zoe Kors, Lorin Roche and Camille Maurine, Dharma Devi, Josie Keys, and Mas Vidal. Breathe with Michael Brian Baker. Expand your consciousness with Syamarani, Zach Leary, Dawn Cartwright, and more.
Joshua Tree Lake Campground
At the Joshua Tree Lake Campground, the painted sky and lovely lake offer a gorgeous backdrop with the beauty of nature as your devotional décor. The setting makes this heart-centered event an even more sacred experience. Start preparing now for the magical weekend in May.
For more information about tickets, logistics, and lodging options, visit: bhaktifest.com.

Natalie Macam is a Yoga Teacher who teaches locally in Los Angeles: www.nataliemacam.com.