tipping cows

Betsy Chasse, best known as the co-creator of What The Bleep Do We Know?!, takes us on another kind of spiritual journey in the pages of Tipping Sacred Cows. This is a journey that encourages us to tip our own sacred cows by examining the deeply-held but fragile beliefs we hold about ourselves and the world in which we live.

Tipping Sacred Cows

Tipping Sacred Cows is far from another create-your-own-reality handbook. This is real life 101. Chasse shares her story with humor and insight. Within these pages, she discusses  the details of her life, her misconceptions, realizations, and struggles. Her voice is at once humble, witty, sarcastic, and completely honest. Betsy glosses over nothing, including her divorce. Throughout the book, she shares her own life experiences in ways that are relatable to anyone who has ever been knocked down in life, gotten back up, and then been knocked down again!

No New Age Band Aid

Some of my favorite parts of this book are her ideas about blame, forgiveness, anger, ego, and being real with it all. There is no “New Age Band Aid” for all the issues we humans deal with. There is only the process of looking honestly at our patterns, finding the humor in the awkwardness of life, and moving on. If you enjoy your spirituality with a side of irony, this book is for you. Tipping Sacred Cows is an uplifting, thought-provoking, and laugh-out-loud take on what it really means to live a spiritual life in the 21st century.



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Stay Informed & Inspired

Stay informed and inspired with the best of the week in Los Angeles, etc. and more ...

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