Purpose Beyond Puppuccinos
One of the dogs who shares my home and life has her own Facebook page and her own profile on Disney + (she loves musicals). Millie (of A Human’s Purpose) would understand and appreciate the deep connection and affection I have for my own dogs. It is with her adopted mom, Maryann Roefaro, that she was able to write about her own understanding of the human condition.
The cover of this book is deceiving. Millie seems to simply be a cute and cuddly pup, ready for a walk and a puppuccino from Starbucks. But our friend Millie has a wisdom beyond her years; it is a wisdom that most of us who love dogs learn to see. Millie is a philosopher and a perceptive social observer who wants to share her knowledge of humans with us, if we are willing to listen.
Lessons of Self-Discovery in A Human’s Purpose
In A Human’s Purpose, Millie explains to humans that it is our amnesia that has kept us from learning and fulfilling our true purpose. She kindly provides us clear tools to understand and uncover what we are truly here to learn and practice. Millie tackles subjects such as religion, relationships, and death as an outside observer, analyzing our human suffering and giving us a guide to self-discovery.
While fun to read, this is no light piece of literature. Millie (and Maryann) ask us to do the challenging inner work to better understand ourselves and others. She says, “Human suffering is not the will of our Creator but it is often included in the lifetime of a human as a necessary part of learning and self-mastery.”
Millie’s personal purpose is to be the kind of service dog who guides humans to their highest potential. Her messages of love, connection, oneness and healing comes through in every page and transcend species. A Human’s Purpose is not just for the dog lover, but for any human on a journey of healing and emotional wellness. She is truly a human’s best friend.

Jennifer Mumford is 500 E-RYT and dog mom who teaches seniors at the Janet Goeske Center in Riverside as well as at Canyon Crest Athletic Club.