Push down to melt your
heart into the earth where
all good things flower and
grow don’t you know you
are just waiting to blossom
Rise up and reach for
the sky lift so high to
fly free of your burdens or
worries fears they only
hold you back if you let them
Reach out to unite your
body mind and soul just
flow as one like the ocean
like a vinyasa like something
you only dreamed of being
You are Infinite in essence
*2007 Word Is Born
Dylan Barmmer is a writer, poet, performance artist and yogi living, laughing and playing in the stunning San Diego surf enclave of Cardiff-by-the-Sea. Dylan also serves as Raconteur for creative copywriting consortium Word Is Born (wordisborn.net) and outlaw oratorial outfit Random Acts of Poetry (youtube.com/wordisborntv), and authors the Mad Yogi Poet blog on ElephantJournal.com (elephantjournal.com/author/dylan-barmmer). Motivated by creativity, driven by passion and defined by heart, Dylan has often been called “a real piece of work.”@wordisborn
By Dylan Barmmer