Delicious Detox Recipes
The owners of Your Super offer their suggestions for a food-based delicious detox.
Michael: Growing up as an athlete, and playing tennis at the professional level, I felt invincible! That changed when I was diagnosed with cancer at age 24. While recovering and trying to rebuild my immune system, I learned how important it is to fuel your body with a whole food diet.
My Your Super co-founder Kristel, would share her homemade mixes of superfood powders. While taking them, I felt more energized, happier, and increasingly more aware. The more I researched, the more shocked I became to learn of my athletic diet’s effect on the body, and how these nutrient-rich superfoods had been used by indigenous cultures for thousands of years. Why didn’t more people know about this? I made it my personal mission to educate and inspire people to fuel their body with the best natural whole foods. Good nutrition and information should be available for everybody!
Kristel: I knew how to mix up superfoods for Michael, because I had done it with my mom and aunt who are orthomolecular nutritionists. My Mom had been through cancer years prior. I thought, “Well if my mom had it, and Michael had it, I better do everything I can not to get it.” I became a vegan, using these superfoods as the most nutrient-dense part of my diet. This change in lifestyle helped to relieve my eczema (a lifelong struggle) and decrease inflammation in my body. I was inspired to become a certified health coach, studying with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
Both: Since starting this program for our family, friends, clients and customers three years ago we have heard SO many success stories and hope to hear the same from you!
Fresh Start Breakfast
While making mixes for Michael’s detox, I knew it was important to use power-plants like organic wheatgrass, barley grass, moringa, and baobob fruit, spirulina, and chlorella which contain important micronutrients such as vitamins A, C, B1-7, B9, B12, E, K, calcium, potassium and iron. All of these greens additionally contain chlorophyll, which cleans the blood and draws materials out of your body, like heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides and environmental toxins. These foods increase oxygen content in your body and promote digestive health.
When becoming vegan, both Michael and I wanted to take in the cleanest available ingredients. We came to love a mix of organic pea protein, hemp protein, moringa, spirulina, and alfalfa. This plant protein mix contains 62% protein, 20 essential amino acids, chlorophyll, vitamins A, B9, B12, C, and iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. The superfood blends have the perfect combination of macro- and micronutrients, which aid in detoxification and digestion, support repair of the body tissue and the nervous system, and protect cells from oxidative stress.
These blends are now available as Your Super’s Super Green + Skinny Protein
For a delicious morning smoothie (part of the detox program) you may want to try one of these recipes.
Detox Morning Smoothie
1 tsp Super Green
1 TBSP Skinny Protein
Big handful of spinach
1/4 cucumber
2 mangoes
1 orange
1 cup water
*Mix in blender and enjoy!
Detox Morning Smoothie
1 tsp Super Green
1 TBSP Skinny Protein
1 big handful kale
1 mango
1/2 avocado
1 orange
1/2 lemon
1 cup water
*Mix in blender and enjoy!
Detox Morning Smoothie
1 tsp Super Green
1 TBSP Skinny Protein
1 big handful spinach
1/4 cucumber
2 celery stalks
1 (frozen) banana
1 apple
1/2 lime
*Mix in blender and enjoy!
Fresh Start Detox Lunch
We recommend a solid plant-based lunch loaded with nutrient-dense vegetables, healthy fats, and plant protein.
Here are some of our favorite fresh start detox recipes.
Lunch 1
Your favorite salad / lettuce mix
1 avocado
1/4 cucumber
1 cup cooked green peas
1 TBSP pumpkin seeds
1 tsp Super Green
Lunch 2
Your favorite salad/lettuce mix
1/2 cup cooked quinoa
1/2 avocado
1/4 cucumber
Handful of walnuts
1 TBSP apple cider vinegar
1 tsp Super Green
Lunch 3
Your favorite salad/lettuce mix
1/2 cup brown rice
1 avocado
1 shredded carrot
1 cup steamed broccoli
1 TBSP lemon juice
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp Super Green
Fresh Start Detox Dinner
For the last meal of the day, we recommend a smoothie utilizing our Forever Beautiful Mix. This antioxidant- and phytonutrient-boosting mix contains organic acai berries, maqui berries, acerola cherries, maca root, blueberries and chia seeds.
Additional ingredients such as vitamins A, B3, B6, C, and E, and minerals including iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc will support removing toxins from the body during your detox. Your skin, hair, and nails will love the extra natural vitamins and minerals! Here are some delicious smoothie varieties:
Dinner Smoothie 1
1 tbsp ForeverBeautiful
1 beet
1 cup mixed berries
1 banana
1 cup coconut water
Dinner Smoothie 2
1 tbsp ForeverBeautiful
1 cup blueberries
2 (frozen) bananas
A handful of cashews
1 cup water
A pinch of vanilla
Mix together in blender and enjoy!
Dinner Smoothie 3
1 tbsp Forever Beautiful
1 cup cherries
2 (frozen) bananas
1 orange
1/4 cucumber
1 cup water
Mix together in blender and enjoy!
We recommend you continue this detox for 5 days.
For our #FreshStart Guide and Detox programand learn more at Your Super Fresh Start Guide and Detox program.

To Check Out Amy’s Work Go To; Sense + Color, You Can Reach Her At IG: Amy_V_Dewhurst + #PutYourGoodWhereItWillDoTheMost