Among other things, December features a lunar eclipse in Taurus and Mercury moving direct (after being retrograde). Here is the week by week analysis.
December 1 and 2 – The moon is in Aquarius opposite Mars in Leo, bringing some restlessness between our personal and collective duties.
December 1-8 – This week is dominated by a tight stellium (close conjunction) of planets in Scorpio. This week, the Sun, Mercury, and the North Node are taking us into the depth of feeling, primal fear, and obsession. The creative option may result in a great work of art or music. Scorpio brings forth enormous depth when we are able to concentrate internally on something we love, rather than obsess over something externally we are hoping will bring love.
Mars extends his aspect to the moon in Pisces on December 3 and 4, making these good days for metaphysical study. These are also good days for service in ashrams or in spiritual communities.
December 6 and 7 – seek the guru’s grace with Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Aries. This will be excellent for initiating a new Yoga practice, health routine, or for deepening an existing one.
December 9-16 -This week features a full lunar eclipse in Taurus on December 10. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, the most stable zodiac sign as it gives structure to our ever-changing emotions. The Taurus full moon is in Rohini, the Nakshatra (Star) of growth. This auspicious Full Moon establishes emotional creativity and stability, as a counterbalance to the Scorpio solar eclipse of November 25.
The Ketu Lunar Eclipse often challenges us to find our own emotional answers, rather than seek them in others. In this case, the greatest source of creativity (Rohini) and stability (Taurus) is our own heart.
December 11-12 are good date nights as the Moon in Gemini opposes Venus in Sagittarius. A night out with friends playing darts also fits the bill.
Mercury goes direct December 13 in Scorpio, having been retrograde since November 24. Words flow out of your mouth more easily now, but you may still be untrustworthy when too emotional.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on December 16, beginning a month oriented toward finding a higher sense of purpose and meaning.
December 17–23 – The Moon will be under some pretty heavy influence this entire week, because it’s either joined with Mars, Saturn, or Rahu, or hemmed between them and/or debilitated. This happens in the “fixed” section of the zodiac, from Leo to Scorpio, a place of consistency, stubbornness (and maybe even feeling stuck) in our energies. Be ready for some frustration this week. Stay close to your mantra and be consistent with your spiritual practices.
December 17 shows impatience, yet also inspiration, with Mars/Moon in Leo. The aspect from Jupiter keeps our mind elevated.
December 18 and 19 feature the Moon in Virgo, hemmed between Saturn and Mars, so it may have us scrambling to disinfect everything and everyone. Chant the Gayatri Mantra on December 19 when the Moon is in Hasta Nakshatra (related to manifestation and organization) to restore the peace and the illusion of control.
December 20 and 21, Moon/Saturn in Libra is good for service and trying to face our shortcomings with others.
December 22 and 23, the Moon is in Scorpio with Mercury and Rahu. The Moon is debilitated here, as Scorpio is a sign of turbulence and intensity, which does not support the growth of our heart.
December 24–31 – There’s a New Moon in Sagittarius on 24 December. This New Moon is receiving a direct aspect from Jupiter in Aries, which is an enormous blessing. The Sagittarius cycle is about clarifying your sense of purpose and meaning or developing a new course that keeps you on track. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, Guru. This New Moon is in Mula (root) Nakshatra. Now is the time to uproot ignorance in your life and plant seeds of truth and Dharma.
December 26 and 27 – the Moon/Venus conjunction in Capricorn brings relationship stability, beauty, and joy. The Earth sign Capricorn has a stabilizing influence on both the Moon and Venus. December 27 is a great day to sing, with the moon and Venus in Shravana (listening) Nakshatra.
December 29 and 30 – the Moon opposes Mars, just like it was placed earlier in the month, but now the Sun is in Sagittarius, bringing enthusiasm for higher teachings into the public realm. December 31, ring in the New Year with the moon in Pisces. (Uttar Bhadra Nakshatra.) This is a great star of service to humanity.
Sam Geppi is an internationally respected Vedic astrology teacher based in San Francisco. Visit his website for free Vedic astrology DVDs and more advanced courses for students at all levels. For the January, 2012, Vedic Astrology forecast, please read the LA YOGA digital edition online at:

Sam Geppi (Sadasiva) is the author of Yoga and Vedic Astrology and The Ascendant—108 Planets of Vedic Astrology. He is the founder of the American Academy of Vedic Art and Science which offers three levels of certification programs in Vedic Astrology. Currently the Academy has more than 120 students enrolled. Visit Sam’s website at: