The lessons coming up this fall that are featured in the Vedic Astrology for November include an emphasis on connecting to your own creativity. Appreciate the emphasis on boundaries and the balancing act between speaking with your inner voice and finding compromise in interpersonal relationships. Remember that you do not need permission to shine brightly. And live like Lord Krishna’s devotee Radha: motivated by friendship and pure joy.
November 1
Mercury turns retrograde until November 21 in Scorpio. Later in the retrograde cycle, Mercury backs up into Libra. This is a time to reflect on speech, communication, and finding our inner voice. Jealousy, feeling triggered, and instances of manipulation can come up. You have to be careful not to engage in those practices or you may also suspect that the people around you are doing them. Shift your energy into expressing your creativity and learn to clearly put feelings into words.
November 5
Jupiter enters Sagittarius, where it will be for the next year. Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, making this a very important transit for connecting to your higher purpose and expressing your spirituality. Here Jupiter joins Ketu, the South Node. The influence of the South Node brings a deeply probing and dissatisfied quality so you may notice all the areas in your life where you see that your teachers and spiritual practices are falling short.
November 12
This Full Moon in Aries is opposite Libra, and takes place within the Libra cycle that began in October. As you remember, this Libra cycle is about relationships, compromise, and diplomacy. But this Full Moon in Aries reveals a point of contrast to Libra. Aries asks us to honor our own individuality as equal as our desire to compromise. Shallow agreements will lead to frustration. So make sure that you are clear about your own No Compromise Zones.
This Full Moon is in Bharani Nakshatra, which is related to consequences and limitations. The symbol of this Nakshatra is the female reproductive system. When our combined energy and mental effort produce a result, we give birth to something. What is born must be cared for—even thought the resistance in life that we must navigate. This is an important lesson now.
November 26
Today’s New Moon is in Scorpio. This begins a 30-day cycle of Scorpio energy, which includes the ability to stabilize our emotions and transform them into strengths. We may feel stuck in our feelings and not know how to move through things creatively. This experience of being stuck may lead to obsessions and painful attachments if we’re not careful. And, those attachments may turn into toxic projections onto others. Instead, take this opportunity to go deeper into a devotional state, where the emotions are stabilized and deepened—rather than projected onto others out of fear.
This New Moon is in Anuradha Nakshatra, a section of sky that is deeply devotional, related to Lord Krishna’s devotee Radha. Rather than being motivated by desires, Radha was motivated by friendship and pure joy. This is a great lesson to live for the next 30 days.

Sam Geppi (Sadasiva) is the author of Yoga and Vedic Astrology and The Ascendant—108 Planets of Vedic Astrology. He is the founder of the American Academy of Vedic Art and Science which offers three levels of certification programs in Vedic Astrology. Currently the Academy has more than 120 students enrolled. Visit Sam’s website at: