Sam Geppi discusses Vedic Astrology forecast for June 2015

Based on the different transits of archetypal planetary energies through the skies, June promises to be a month of emotional intensity. There will also be opportunities to cultivate internal emotional strength and to connect with people around purpose. Take the time to remember to seek inner guidance; introspection is a powerful tool for internal balance, especially this month. When moments seem rocky, surrender to the universe and ride the waves of emotion to the source of love in your own heart.


June 2

There will be a Full Moon in Scorpio today, which will heighten our feeling of intense emotions. This offers a promise of expressing deep devotion today, if we can channel these strong emotions toward something more elevated than just our desires. The fixed, stable energy of Taurus (Scorpio’s opposite) provides both a contrast as well as a strong and solid support for this devotion. In fact, the intensity and volatility of the Scorpio Full Moon is able to harmonize the peaceful quality of Taurus. The desire for stability, peace, and happiness (Taurus) can run the risk of devolving into stagnation until tested in Scorpio.

This Full Moon happens in Jyeshta Nakshatra, ruled by the mighty Lord Indra, the king of the gods. Emotional heroism is possible today, but pick your battles wisely.

June 6 – 7

The Moon will be in Capricorn while being aspected by Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn today. There may be a lot of seriousness and emotional pressure; direct this toward higher teaching and spirituality. This could also be a good day for business, especially for growing an already established business. Look for opportunities to expand your purpose and connect that purpose with large groups of people for mutual benefit and profit.

June 11

Mercury goes direct today, after being retrograde since May 18. You may feel communications with others as well as your relationship with technology to be moving forward again. This shift happens in Taurus, which is a sign of practical progress and tangible results. Also, recent conjunctions between Mercury and Mars continue to challenge us to be more flexible and less irritable with others.

June 16

There will be a New Moon in Gemini today, setting off a month when communication and discrimination will be dominant themes. Gemini is a sign in which intelligence is developed. Create balance during this time of exploration by connecting to your childlike enthusiasm for life. Throughout the next 30 days, you may find yourself questioning and testing your beliefs; be ready to make adjustments when necessary. Be careful of stimulation and information gathering masquerading as Wisdom, which is the counterfeit version of Gemini. This discernment is especially important these days, in an era when a new Facebook or Youtube genius pops up daily promising enlightenment.

This New Moon takes place in the Nakshatra of Mrigashira, the deer’s head, a symbolic representation of a restless longing for the truth. The God is Soma, the god of the immortal nectar.

June 19-20

The Moon, Venus, and Jupiter will be in Cancer now, a combination that promotes spiritual growth and beauty. However, there may also be some intense emotions and emotional longing, especially in romantic relationships. The planetary energies of Jupiter and Venus tend to interrupt each other; Jupiter creates high standards and expectations and Venus is related to relationship partners. Notice if you feel disappointed in your partners and just want to escape into something higher and more worthy.

June 24-25

The Moon will join Rahu (the eclipse point) in Virgo. There may be obsessions about diet, details, and organization. Be careful of hairsplitting and nitpicking escalating into arguments and neurotic carping at others. Communication issues may also be magnified, and are often underneath Virgo problems. You only have control over yourself – measured by your standards. The rest you need to surrender to the universe.

June 26 – 27

The Moon will be in Libra hemmed between Rahu and Saturn. After the recent stress of the Moon/Rahu conjunction in Virgo, you may feel a vise tightening around your relationships. The tendency at this time is to retreat into a shell of real and imagined fears, then projection of those fears onto others. The creative option is to remain curious, to adapt, and to serve. However it will be tempting to fall into self-blame and depression.

June 28-30

This may feel like you’re leaping from the frying pan into the fire, as the Moon will be debilitated in Scorpio and with Saturn. Channel the emotional stress of Scorpio by being a strong presence for others rather than succumbing to your personal fears. The energy of Scorpio offers both the weakness of imagined fears as well as the emotional strength to conquer our imagined fears. During this time, avoid guilt and blame, both of yourself and others. Become more introspective and ride those waves of emotion to the source of love in your heart.

Sam Geppi is an internationally-respected Vedic astrology teacher. For free Vedic Astrology DVDs and courses for students at all levels, visit:

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