Vedic Astrology November 2017 Themes
One of the repeating themes at play in the Vedic Astrology November 2017 is compromise. This is particularly the case because we are in the midst of a cycle governed by Libra. Compromise doesn’t always mean giving in. sometimes Sometimes asserting ourselves is necessary in order to compromise well.
Seeking compromise can also stimulate our personal growth as it involves evaluating our wishes and values. This month, the energy we put into how we can develop the superpower of self-control as well as how we can engage in positive social reform are both significant. Throughout all of the shifting energies at play, remain committed to your personal practice.
November 2
Venus enters Libra and joins Jupiter through November 26. This is a time to be willing to compromise and to seek a more elevated purpose in your relationships. This may compel you to leave a partnership or connection if there are philosophical differences. Ultimately, this cycle supports growth—as the energy of Venus will allow us to take a more compromised stance in many areas of our lives.
November 3
We will have the Full Moon in Aries today. This is the halfway point in the Libra cycle that started two weeks ago. You may notice a strong assertion of your self-will, especially if you have been compromising too much lately. Libra teaches us to honor our own wishes in a way that is equal to others, not at the expense of them. If you have been making compromises that are against your principles, be careful of the tendency to overcompensate and experience a vicious snap back against other people.
This Full Moon is in Bharani Nakshatra, which is related to Lord Yama, known as the God of restraint. It may feel as though you are being punished or are being restrained by having to suffer and reap the fruits of your karmas (actions). Be careful not to punish others and make them bear your pain.
November 9-15
The Moon is associated with Rahu and Mars for several days. This could create some emotional confusion. At this time, the Moon joins Rahu in Cancer, then is hemmed between Rahu and Mars, and after that joins Mars in Virgo. Expect some intensity with this set of transits. We may feel an energetic revisiting of recent eclipse energies, which could include power struggles and some personal/emotional battles. If your ego is kept in check, this wave of energy can be utilized for moving you forward in your career and/or for asserting your higher purpose.
November 16-17
The Moon is joined Jupiter and Venus in Libra. This will increase your focus on relationships and enhance your capacity to compromise. If you are in a relationship where there are differences in morals, views, and belief systems, there could be some contentiousness. Part of you wants to get along, yet another part of you may be fed up with going along with things you no longer agree with, especially politically or spiritually.
November 18
We begin the Scorpio cycle when the Sun and Moon come together today. For the next 30 days we will be assessing our capacity to handle our fears, our jealousies, and whatever we cannot control. Look for those things in your life that push your buttons the most. Face your fears and turn them into emotional strengths. Usually we try to control others as a way to try to gain control over the things we fear. But the real superpower is to control your self. Meditation and introspection will be more important than projection for the next 30 days.
This New Moon is in Vishaka Nakshatra, which is related to Lord Indra and Lord Agni, the Gods of fire and lightning. Channel these celestial forces and harness them toward a greater purpose. Elevate beyond your little world and your insecurities.
November 24-25
The Moon will be joined the South Node in Capricorn, which is known as a flash point. At this time, all of the planets are now between the Lunar Nodes. This configuration is called a Kala Sarpa Yoga. The Las Vegas shooting tragedy happened at the exact moment that the Moon crossed this point in early October. There could be some explosive potential in your life and in the world.
November 26
Venus enters Scorpio where it will be for the next several weeks. This combination heightens the emotional passion in our relationships, so be careful of crazy romantic explosions. Yet this is also a time when enormous depth and passion are possible in your relationships. On a deeper level, this is a great time for committing to your spiritual practices, especially devotional ones. Scorpio is deeply devotional and supports the processes of transforming emotional pain into emotional depth and pure love.
November 30
Mars is joined Jupiter in Libra. This sets off a month-and-a-half cycle of some potential unrest socially and personally. Libra is the sign of relationship compromise while Mars fights for individuality. With both of these joined Jupiter, we may experience some exaggerated philosophical differences. This can especially be the case with partners or others with whom you are intimately involved. When you recognize what is happening, you can decide to channel this energy. Do so by choosing a worthy cause for which you can fight or engage in battle to champion. Because of these aspects, now is a good time for social reform. Just be careful not to become personally antagonistic with people.

Sam Geppi (Sadasiva) is the author of Yoga and Vedic Astrology and The Ascendant—108 Planets of Vedic Astrology. He is the founder of the American Academy of Vedic Art and Science which offers three levels of certification programs in Vedic Astrology. Currently the Academy has more than 120 students enrolled. Visit Sam’s website at: