Community: Creating Karma

Serving Organic roast beef, sweet potatoes, vegetables, rice and various other entrees.

Organic Soup Kitchen: A Quality Meal
Every Sunday morning in Santa Barbara, individuals and families gather together over organic and wholesome meals served up fresh and free for the community. Inspired and prepared by Anthony Carroccio, Organic Soup Kitchen (OSK) is a nonprofit organization that believes that no person regardless of financial status shall have to compromise the quality of food they feed themselves or their family.

The spark that set off founding firecracker Anthony Carroccio’s desire to start ladling soup was lit at 3:00 A.M. during a meditation in September, 2009. The East Coast native and former publishing executive who was one of the founders of Healing Retreats and Spa Magazine asked himself, “What would happen if I went broke, or hit a bump in the road?” His answer was found in soup.

He made the choice that Sunday morning to become a soup chef for those in need. Now, he cooks wholesome, organic and delicious meals for hundreds of people every Sunday morning. He notes, “These people are just like you and me. They just hit a bump in the road somewhere.”

So far the Organic Soup Kitchen can boast a few successful months of Sundays and some major holiday events under their apron belts. They fed over 400 people on Thanksgiving and more than 1,000 people on Christmas Day. Anthony and his volunteers are up and running on 100% donations and incredible goals, one of those is to acquire fully outfitted, state-certified catering vehicles for the safe and sanitary distribution of organic meals to locations around the city of Santa Barbara, making designated stops when and where help is needed. Now who has the vehicle? Get involved, donate and check out OSK’s wish list at: or email Anthony at

Working hands unite the Organic Soup Kitchen and the community. The Organic Soup Kitchen believes that no persons regardless of financial status, shall compromise the quality of food they feed themselves or their families.

CoachArtOrganization: A Quality Life
CoachArt’s stated mission is “to improve the quality of life for children with chronic illnesses and their siblings by providing them with free lessons in the arts and athletics.” The unique workshops in art and recreational therapy to enhance the young people’s confidence and self-esteem encompasses anything the volunteers are willing and able to teach and includes Yoga, painting, dance and even skateboarding. The people served by CoachArt are dealing with factors such as medical conditions beyond a child’s control, diminishing financial resources after medical bills and family separation due to hospital visits. CoachArt works to provide a sense of normalcy and quality of life, not only for the patients, but for their families.

Outreach director, Ashley Fontanetta is excited about this year’s goals for the organization, “In addition to increasing the number of youth served in Los Angeles County, with expansion to South LA and Long Beach, we will begin piloting a program in Orange County, as well as expansion initiatives in the San Francisco Bay Area.” CoachArt provides the materials while volunteers and coaches provide instruction, support and fun. To learn more and explore volunteer opportunities with CoachArt, visit: or email Outreach Coordinator, Becca Herman at

Jackie Carr can be found loving life at lululemon athletica Beverly Hills. She writes a blog about riding a bus in LA, and is building her own nonprofit, AuthenticPR, providing PR for any and all choosing to elevate the World to greatness. Email her at:

By Jackie Carr

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