Book Review: Living with Intent By Mallika Chopra
The subtitle of Mallika Chopra’s third book, Living with Intent: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace, and Joy, identifies the sometimes rocky path we all walk finding our purpose, peace, and joy.
You might think that Mallika’s famous last name (her father is Deepak Chopra) would fast-track her to the meditation and eternal balance finish line. Her book affirms that there is no shortcut. We all have to do the work, set intentions, learn the lessons, and then follow through.
On Mallika’s journey, she founded a website (soon an app) called Intent, bringing together a social network of positivity, allowing people to share their intentions, and affirm the intentions of others. She uses intent, literally, to frame the book, with the chapters Incubate, Notice, Trust, Express, Nurture, and Take Action, and concluding with Living with Intent.
Mallika includes intimate moments: reflecting on a childhood meditating with Transcendental Meditation master Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, balancing family life raising two children in LA with her husband, and recognizing the small tokens of love, the ability to nourish oneself, and the power of intent. With the personal stories, Mallika intersperses and interviews with notables including Eckhart Tolle, Arianna Huffington, and Marianne Williamson. Each chapter offers practices to incorporate the lessons. Throughout, her engaging voice offers relatable inspiration as though the two of you are chatting over tea – with intent.

Felicia Tomasko has spent more of her life practicing Yoga and Ayurveda than not. She first became introduced to the teachings through the writings of the Transcendentalists, through meditation, and using asana to cross-train for her practice of cross-country running. Between beginning her commitment to Yoga and Ayurveda and today, she earned degrees in environmental biology and anthropology and nursing, and certifications in the practice and teaching of yoga, yoga therapy, and Ayurveda while working in fields including cognitive neuroscience and plant biochemistry. Her commitment to writing is at least as long as her commitment to yoga. Working on everything related to the written word from newspapers to magazines to websites to books, Felicia has been writing and editing professionally since college. In order to feel like a teenager again, Felicia has pulled out her running shoes for regular interval sessions throughout Southern California. Since the very first issue of LA YOGA, Felicia has been part of the team and the growth and development of the Bliss Network.