Parker Pig Goes to Yoga by Stacey Alysson

Stacey Allyson Loves Introducing Kids to Yoga

Yoga teacher, mom, and creative powerhouse Stacey Alysson shares her love for introducing kids to yoga in her book Parker Pig Goes to Yoga. This sweet and playful story is a delightful journey through a yoga class with Parker Pig and her yoga friends. It is a perfect accompaniment to practice designed for children ages two through eight.

Parker Pig Goes to Yoga by Stacey Allyson

The story begins with Parker being invited to yoga by her friend Ginny the Giraffe. With protests that feel familiar to all of us at any age, Parker wonders if yoga is really for her. “Yoga is for everyone!” Ginny the Giraffe answers. So, Parker agrees to try it out.

Animals Love Yoga Too

In the yoga class, Parker is joined by a variety of animals. A bear, turtle, snake, crocodile, cat, cow, dog, frog, butterfly, giraffe, and even a pig demonstrate a pose on their own page. Throughout the entertaining story, we’re reminded of some of the instructions that are at the essence of yoga, such as “It’s a yoga practice, not a yoga perfect.” And at the end, the animals relax for savasana and share their inner light with namaste.

 Parker Pig Goes to Yoga by Stacey Alysson

Illustrations in Parker Pig Goes to Yoga

Patrick Girouard fills the pages with playful, captivating, and colorful drawings of the animals practicing yoga. The images are sure to attract young kids. Each of the fun drawings evokes personalities I could easily imagine as posters in a kid’s room or as stuffed animals in a bed.

Parker Pig Goes to Yoga by Stacey Allyson

You may be an adult who just loves fun picture books. Or you may be looking for something to gift or read to kids. Whomever you are, Parker Pig Goes to Yoga is a welcome addition to a yogi’s bookshelf.


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