Yogi Cameron’s new book The Yogi Code is an inspirational guidepost for beginners as well as experienced practitioners.
Cameron has condensed many of the ancient sacred teachings into a practical daily guide that is relevant for our modern and often urban lives. He identifies a sequential practice into seven universal laws of infinite success. These are: Routine (The Key to Healthy Habits), Practice (The Key to Your Foundation), Self-Study (The Key to Who You Are), Intention (The Key to Manifest), Purpose (The Key to Your Life’s Density), Service (The Key to Empowerment), Love (The Key to Everyone’s Heart). At the end of each of the chapters exploring these concepts, Cameron offers a summary of key points as well as Daily Life Practices. He provides a systematic approach to implementing these principles through a 21-day Yogi Code Kick-Start.
Yogi Cameron was once an internationally-traveled supermodel; in this book, he shares a number of stories that helped him transform to the person he is today. His writing style is so personal and accessible that I felt as though I was traveling on a sidecar during his journey. For example, the visceral way he describes moments such as his first meeting with Nelson Mandela are gifts to the reader.
The book is imbued with heart, soul, and genuine love for the empowering potential of this practice. It will sit on my nightstand for years to come and serve as a reference point for staying on track with my own practice.
Study with Yogi Cameron at The Bodhi Tree for his LA Book Launch Events on May 13 and 14.
On May 13, from 6:30-9pm, join Yogi Cameron, Yogini Jaima, and a number of special guests for a discussion dedicated to the themes in the book including setting and following through on intentions in your own lives.
On May 14, Yogi Cameron and Yogini Jaima will lead a day of practice and exploration of how to apply the Yogi’s Code in your own lives.
Click here for more information.

Dale Nieli MSW, C-IAYT, CHT has a powerful gift for helping people discover sources of pain and stress, whether the source is physical, emotional, or spiritual. She is a compassionate transformational guide for people when they are in crisis points in their lives. Dale is skilled at facilitation with people at all stages of recovery, from those who are beginning their own path to those deepening their long-term sobriety. Her work allows people to release patterns of long-held tension that become lodged in the body, holding them back and often leading to symptoms such as fatigue, sleeplessness, and anxiety. Dale helps people remove these barriers to health in order to experience increased energy, enjoy sound sleep, and to feel peaceful, more at ease, and even full of joy.
In her work one-on-one and in groups, Dale uses her intuitive skills to help people integrate body, mind, and spirit in order to actualize their full potential. Some of the interconnected techniques she uses include the therapeutic application of yoga, trauma release work, somatic experiencing, vagus nerve regulation, psychoneuroenergetics, sound healing, user-friendly mindfulness meditation, aromatherapy, hypnotherapy and affirmations, pressure points and hands-on healing, breath training, therapeutic movement, energy work, intuitive healing, and mind-body fitness.