If you’re looking for a documentary that exposes the health problems of our nation and the corruption of big pharma, Heal is not the film for you. The genius of the documentary Heal is that is explores conscious healing and ways in which you personally can use your own mind to heal your body.
About the Documentary Heal
The film jumps right into the issue with no filler. Director and narrator Kelly Noonan Gores posits a universal question, “Doesn’t it seem like so many people you know are dealing with illness?” She goes on to say, “We’ve forgotten how intelligent the body is. I’ve experienced first-hand how my thoughts, beliefs, and emotions affect my health. I’m convinced we have more power to heal than we’ve been lead to believe.”
Heal is full of dozens of self-healing anecdotes and insights. Each of those featured could lead you to a cure if taken to heart. In Heal, Noonan Gores interviews scientists, doctors, and teachers in the field of mind-body medicine.
Luminaries such as Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, Marianne Williamson, Michael Beckwith, Gregg Braden, Anita Moorjani, Peter Crone, and others, dispense years of research and experiential knowledge. Much of this wisdom will resonant with a great variety of people who experience disorders and pain.
Heal and the Mind-Body Connection
The mind-body connection community believes that stress is the cause of illness. This stress arises from physical, chemical, and emotional sources. How we address the stress in our lives can have radical effects on our ability to heal. For example, in a study of radical remissions from cancer, researchers catalogued 75 actions. When analyzed, study authors noted that there were nine common things all of these participants did. Interestingly, only two were physical treatments. The rest were mental, spiritual or emotional practices. “There really is a way to access the immune system with your mental and emotional work,” says Kelly Turner PhD, author of this particular study.
As discussed in the film, a large percentage of our body is made up of invisible forces of energy – forming our spirit, mind, consciousness, and thought. “Faith and prayer can’t be explained,” expresses Michael Beckwith.
With straight-forward narrating, Heal clearly explains the physiology of “energy medicine” in a way that other films have not summarized as well. The film offers better advice than you might get from a doctor, for sure, and probably even more clear and compact than advice from your natural healer.
See Heal in Theaters
Heal opens in Los Angeles October 20.

Karen Henry is an Associate Editor at LA YOGA who volunteers in a variety of capacities for nonprofit organizations and artists around Los Angeles. She practices yoga as a counterbalance to her daily impact sports and is a mother of four grown children who also practice yoga . Now, she’s working on teaching yoga and joy of life to the grandkids!