When a yogi and a hip-hop artist decide to join forces and help counteract the craziness that’s going in our world, wonderful things happen….like the new album Inclusion Revolution: Together with Love. It’s an amazing example of a spiritual hip hop meditation combination.
Sister Jenna and JoRob Provide Soulful Musical Meditation
Sister Jenna is the founder of the Meditation Museum in Washington D.C. and host of a popular online syndicated radio show America Meditating. She and hip-hop artist JoRob (Waldron) have come together to provide a soothing, soulful musical meditation experience. They are joined by Kristin Hoffmann and Paul Luftenegger who also provide music on the album.
Inclusion Revolution: Together with Love is a Spiritual Hip Hop Meditation Experience
Inclusion Revolution: Together with Love is a great concept to help bring newcomers into the meditation movement. Meditation can be too intimidating and exotic for many people to wrap their heads around…thus, they may never start. This work provides different beautiful, downtempo musical arrangements fused with hip-hop and soul. The music serves as a bed supporting Sister Jenna’s gentle voice. Her voice is warm and loving, and instantly shifts your psyche into one that is constructive and positive.
The Soul Feels–Meditations on Inclusion Revolution: Together with Love
One of the best things we can do is wake up every day and begin with Sister Jenna’s voice and wise words filling our heads before we set out into the world among other confused, anxious humans. She reminds us of ancient truths: “We are all the same. We are all included. The Soul feels.”
“Feeling Safe” is an important meditation for many of us. We have seen how fear is fueling so many terrible acts in our world now more than ever before. “Feeling Safe” can be your antidote to the 24-hour news cycle.
“The Remedy” is another one of my favorite tracks, both sonically and conceptually. Sister Jenna helps us to tap into the “sparkling energy of the soul that lives behind the eyes.” I have a feeling if I met Sister Jenna that’s exactly what I would see in her eyes.
I like the way this album is mixed: The voiceover and music seem to have very equal presence. If the music was mixed too low, I don’t think the album with have the same energizing effect that it does. I find that while listening my concentration tends to gently slide from music to words and back to music again. This provides an effect that is calming while sustaining energy and focus.
For those of us feeling the extra tension in the air lately, on both personal and political levels, Inclusion Revolution: Together with Love is a valuable addition to your toolkit for staying calm and strong each day.
Read Sister Jenna’s Advice for Meditation

McKenna caught the “yoga bug” as a little girl, watching Lilias Folan on PBS. She leads an active life hiking, running, sometimes snowboarding, and once was a nationally-ranked equestrian. After years of working in the digital industry for clients in entertainment, publishing and fashion, she took a sabbatical to acquire her yoga teacher certification. A desire to help people heal soon followed. Also a successful musician and composer, McKenna shares cutting-edge music during yoga classes, recruiting musicians and DJs to perform with her. She owned and operated East Hollywood’s Chakra 5 Yoga studio throughout 2011, creating a vibrant community on and offline, but decided to shift to a mobile model. Now Chakra 5 brings yoga classes on site and by appointment to businesses, schools and organizations throughout greater Los Angeles. McKenna was certified in Hatha/Kundalini at Karuna Yoga, and has additional teacher training in Restorative Yoga with Master Teacher Judith Lasater. She teaches yoga at Chakra 5 classes and international retreats.