With the growing popularity of the superfood Moringa, a number of innovative companies are offering this dark leafy green. You can find seeds as well as powdered greens to add to smoothies and more.
Kuli Kuli
Former Peace Corps Volunteer Lisa Curtis was introduced to eating Moringa while serving in Niger. With her co-founders Valerie Popelka, Jordan Moncharmont, and Anne Tsuei and a team of entrepreneurs, Kuli Kuli’s successful crowd-funding campaigns include an initiative to plant Moringa trees in Haiti.
Organic Pure Moringa Vegetable Powder
Moringa Greens & Protein Superfood Smoothie Mix (Natural Greens, Vanilla, Dark Chocolate)
Moringa Green Energy Shots (Raspberry, Coconut Lime, Ginger Lemon)
Energizing Herbal Moringa Tea (Original, Lemongrass, Peppermint)
Moringa Energy Bars (Crunchy Almond, Dark Chocolate, Black Cherry)
Moringa Farms
The team at Moringa Farms is focused on the company’s Social, Product, and Economic Missions to share the benefits of Moringa. The array of available products even includes live trees.
Moringa Leaf Powder
Capsules and Seeds
Moringa Seed Oil
Fresh Moringa Leaf
Live Moringa Saplings
Moringa Seed Deodorant
Moringa Light Energy
Moringa Light Energy grows thousands of organically grown Moringa trees in California’s Coachella Valley. Their tagline is, “Before there was Medicine, there was Moringa.”
Gold Seeds
Gold Leaves
Fountain of Youth Moringa Oleifera Essence
Ancient Healer Essences
Moringa Light Energy Rejuvenating Pure Oils
M Solutions
Their Moringa oil undergoes a proprietary light energy process to increase potency.
Nano CBD Light Energy (Moringa infused)
CBD Light Energy (Moringa Infused)
Organic India
The mission of Organic India includes a commitment to working with farmers to promote regenerative agriculture as well as regenerative community
Moringa Lift Single Serve Pouches
Certified Organic Moringa Leaf Powder
Certified Organic Moringa Capsules
Superfoods by MRM
Founded with the goal to create products that support a life of health and vitality.
Raw Organic Moringa Powder
Sunwarrior was founded to offer clean, plant-based superfoods that capture solar energy.
Moringa is one the ingredients in Sunwarrior’s Ormus SuperGreens
Your Super
Cofounders Michael Kuech and Kristel De Groot created combinations of superfoods to come up with seven blends to make healthy eating easy.
Blends Containing Moringa
Skinny Protein (for Hunger Control), Power Matcha (for Focus), and Super Green (for Immunity)

Jeff Perlman is a Clinical Ayurvedic & Pancha Karma Specialist, Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor, Certified Massage and Marma Therapist, a professional member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association and a Cordon Bleu Chef. He is available for private consultations. He leads annual trips to India. You can contact him at jeff@tsayurveda.com or visit his website: threeseasonsayurveda.com