Ayurveda has been practiced in the US for only about 30 years, yet it is one of the systems of medicine native to India and is thousands of years old. Readers are invited to submit questions for “Ayurveda Q & A” to ayurveda@layogamagazine.com.

Q: I was recently informed that applying onion juice to the scalp can sometimes help with hair loss. I am forty-six years old and I believe I would fall between a vata (air/ether) and pitta (fire) type person. My hair started becoming thinner about four years ago, beginning at the nape of my neck. Now it is thinning around my temples and I would say I have half the hair I used to have. I would greatly appreciate any advice to improve my thinning hair and dry skin.

Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra

A: Anything applied on the scalp or skin penetrates inside the body. Although applying onion juice may help in certain cases where there is any bacterial infection, onion has sulfur which also kills the friendly bacteria. Besides, onion juice is heating to the brain. I don’t personally recommend onion juice on the scalp.

The Ayurvedic text the Caraka Samhita describes three types of hair: kesh, hair on the head; loma, body hair and shamasru, pubic hair. Hair on the head particularly is connected to the health of the liver, fat, bone and hormones.

Take care of liver, fat, bone tissue and hormonal balance by following an appropriate diet and routine. The liver is the key organ in the processes of metabolism, absorption of nutrients and filtration of toxins. Detoxify the liver by including vegetables such as asparagus, white daikon radish, lauki (opo squash) and other summer squashes such as zucchini and yellow squash in your diet. Other food choices for detoxification during the fall and winter seasons are green cabbage or any tender, leafy baby greens. Fat is the raw material for bone tissue. The toxic sweat resulting from clogged fat tissue constricts the hair follicles, damaging the hair. Keep your fat tissue clean and balanced by avoiding unhealthy fats and deep fried foods in your diet. Favor intelligent fats like ghee and olive oil.

Ayurveda states that hair is the byproduct of transformation of bone tissue into bone marrow. Healthy coral calcium, purified and energized under moonlight enhances intelligence and healthy bone tissue.

Support and balance your hormones by eating vegetables like suran (elephant foot yam) and ratalu (violet yam) which are available in Indian grocery stores. Other good vegetables for hormone balance are green papaya, which can be found locally, and unless someone has unusually high estrogen levels, one may also include vegetables such as asparagus and fennel.

Spice mix recipe for supporting liver and detoxifying fat:

Turmeric: 1part
Cumin: 1part
Coriander: 6 parts
Fennel: 6 parts

Toast the spices, pound into powder in a coffee grinder and store in airtight container. Use 1/2 teaspoon of the spice mixture every day for cooking.

Local application of hair oil which includes herbs such as bringaraj (Eclipta alba), brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), haritaki (Terminalia chebula), harsingar (Nyctanthes arbortristis) and/or amla (Indian gooseberry, or Phyllanthus emblica), applied and left on the scalp for twenty minutes before showering will detoxify, nourish and strengthen the hair follicles. Use shampoos and conditioners that have nourishing herbs and are free of parabens (controversial preservatives widely used in cosmetics; these include butylparabens, ethylparabens, methylparabens and propylparabens).

Every individual’s prakriti (base constitution) vikriti (current state of balance or imbalance) and the samprapti (the disease process) of a condition are always different. Ayurveda believes in total care – by detoxifying, nourishing and strengthening the health of the liver, fat tissue and bones.

Q: When I get up in the morning, I drink three glasses of lukewarm water on an empty stomach. When I do so, a small amount of water comes back out of my stomach and I usually notice a slimy, white or clear mucous-like substance. It is definitely from my stomach but not from the lungs, and I experience this daily in the mornings. Is this ama (toxins)?

A: Because you are drinking lukewarm water on an empty stomach, whatever you may have in that particular morning may be either ama or kledak kapha or both mixed. Ama is semi-digested material. Kledak kapha is the subdosha of kapha which resides in the stomach and helps the inside of this organ to stay moist and lubricated so that the other processes involved in digestion can work in a balanced manner. The moist, slimy and wet kledak kapha keeps the fiery acidic enzymes of pachak pitta in balance so they do not burn the stomach. The Kledak kapha also keeps saman vata from drying out the stomach; saman vata is the subdosha of vata responsible for assisting the movement of foods through the stomach. In either case, lukewarm water early in the morning melts and liquefies the ama or kledak kapha (or combination of the two) and simply comes out.

The information provided here is for educational purposes only and should not be a substitute for medical care. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Before using any Ayurvedic remedies, consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare provider. It is important to rule out serious conditions when appropriate. This article represents the opinion and recommendation of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of LA YOGA Ayurveda and Health magazine.

Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra is descended from an ancient line of Ayurvedic physicians to the royalty of India. Read more about his Shaka Vansiya lineage at: vaidyamishra.com or read about his unique formulations at: chandika.com. His Ayurvedic offices, The Prana Center, are located in Chatsworth, California. He can be reached at (888) 9 – SHAKTI or (818) 709 – 1005

Ayurvedic Practitioners:

Love and Prana with Vaidya Mishra
This Valentine’s celebrate your love with Vaidya Mishra in his special course Love and Prana: Karma, Kama, Vajikarna, and Kamagni on Saturday, February 13, 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. The day includes a delicious break for sampling herbal snacks (recipes will be given out). Call the Prana Center for more info: (888) 3Chandi or visit: chandika.com and click on “knowledge” to register online. Register by February 1 to recieve an early bird discount of $30. Bring your loved one(s).

CAAM Ayurveda Sangha
Thanks to Yogaglo for hosting the first CAAM Ayurveda Sangha of 2010 on January 17. It was a great pleasure to connect with practitioners, students and interested members of the Ayurveda and Yoga community. Thank you to Jessica Koteen for her assistance in planning the event. Stay tuned for future events in Los Angeles and throughout California. If you would like to be on the CAAM email list, please write: ayurveda@layogamagazine.com. For more info: ayurveda-caam.org.

Find an ayurvedic practitioner:

California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine: ayurveda-caam.org
National Ayurvedic Medical Association: ayurveda-nama.org
To advertise in this special advertising section listing Ayurvedic practitioners and practices, contact: ayurveda@layogamagazine.com


James Bailey, LAc, MATCM, MPH and Dipl Ayu. Sevanti Wellness, full service clinic with acupuncture, Oriental medicine and Ayurveda, since 1990. Tuesday is seva day: sliding scale treatments reserved for those in financial hardship. Reduced rate treatments available for people with cancer. Sevanti Wellness, 1502 Montana Avenue, CA. (310)393-4124;james@sevanti.com

Dr. Mark Vinick, DC, CAS, chiropractic, Ayurveda, Shakti Energy HealingTM, nutrition, anti-aging, marma therapy, stress reduction techniques and meditation. Board certified in pain management, anti-aging and Ayurvedic medicine. 1860 S. Elena Ave, Suite A, Redondo Beach, CA. (310) 375 – HEAL; Drmarkvinick.com

Vaidya R. K. Mishra practices at the Prana Center in Chatsworth. (818) 709 – 1005. Vaidyamishra.com.

Dr. Aditya Sharma, Ayurvedic consultations, detoxification, weight management, nutrition and more. Geeta Ayurveda Healing Center. Beverly Hills Office: (310) 623 – 4415. Simi Valley Office: (805) 584 – 9025

Pancha karma at Blue Sage Sanctuary with Ragaia Belovarac and a team of well-trained compassionate practitioners. Immersion programs, healing retreats, pancha karma and individualized therapies in a pristine setting: bluesage-sanctuary.com

Pilar Chandler, LMT, Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner. Consultations, nutrition, stress reduction, massage, aromatherapy, classes in cooking, natural remedies at Shri Veda Wellness. 445 E.17th St. Suite J. Costa Mesa. (949) 310-3226

By Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra


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