Natiya Guin and daughter on the beach. Photo by Katee Grace. https://www.kateegrace.com/contact
5 Tips for How to Have Healthy Skin from Within
Holiday traditions that we love range from sipping on warm spiked cider, enjoying fresh-baked sugar cookies, and taking long walks in the windy, brisk, even snowy air. With these winter wonders also comes increased risk of dehydration, inflammation, and stripping of the skin’s protective surface.
Implement These Internal Supports for Healthy Skin
1. Consider reducing alcohol consumption.
During the holiday season we tend to increase intake due to parties and cozy nights inside and with that comes dehydration of the body and especially the skin.
Try consciously planning when to drink and follow it up with increased water consumption. If you generally drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily (for example, a person who weighs 160 pounds may want to drink at least 80 ounces of water daily), add an additional 8-12 ounces of water per alcoholic drink.
2. Try some supplements to heal the effects of alcohol.
Thiamine, which is B1, is often the most depleted B vitamin as a result of drinking alcohol. Try having a thiamine supplement or B-complex with thiamine daily. Additionally, Glutathione is our body’s strongest antioxidant and helps quickly reduce oxidants in the blood that can trigger inflammation of the skin. Take glutathione (away from other vitamins) to keep oxidants out of your liver and your skin!
3. Use Healthy Oils for Winter Air Repair
The dry winter air can strip the top layers of skin, removing the protective barrier by decreasing circulation and removing healthy oils.
To keep your skin hydrated, try increasing healthy oils in your meals such as avocado oil, Alaskan fresh-caught salmon, macadamia nuts, coconut oil, and chia seeds. Externally, you can also add extra coconut oil, olive oil, or shea butter to your daily routine to increase skin barrier protection. You can find these in the Evanhealy brand or ours, Deep Living Skincare.
4. Induce Sweating for Healthy Skin from Within
To combat reduced circulation in the skin from cold or windy air, try planning cardio exercises that induce sweating. This will bring fresh blood flow (and with that, collagen building factors) to your skin to even the tone, hydrate and plump the skin, and to eliminate any built-up toxins.
5. Yes! You can Supplement your Skin
In the fall and early winter, we tend to focus on immune support. Did you know that some of the most important immune system supportive vitamins are also fantastic for healing skin and reversing aging?
For example, NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) is flying off the shelves due to its immune supportive effects, but its ability to increase glutathione and reduce inflammation in the blood also reduces redness and inflammation in the skin.
Vitamin A is an immune-boosting must, and in high enough doses (generally over 1000 mcg for an adult) it is powerful at stopping breakouts. Vitamin C is second only to glutathione as the body’s best antioxidant. It heals skin damage including fine lines and cracks by increasing collagen and elastin.
When purchasing, look for trusted brands that keep fillers and dyes out, and high-quality nutrients in. These brands include Pure Encapsulations, Integrative Therapeutics, Designs for Health, and our line, Skin Within by Deep Living. Have a happy, healthy, and glowing holiday!

Dr. Natiya Guin is a family medicine doctor and safe skin leader who enjoys healing skin from within, increasing client self-confidence, and magnifying whole person health outcomes. Deep Living Skincare by Dr. Natiya
Her vegan, organic line by Deep Living is founded on the belief that skincare should not only be healing, it should be safe. Her products are designed for all ages and are designed to be shared with the whole family.
Photos in article and meditation by Dr. Natiya Guin
Testimony about the author:
Dr Natiya is an amazing naturopathic doctor, who will guide and nurture you in discovering health, expressing your creativity and support you in seeing your magnificence. -Dr. Moira Fitzpatrick