An Ayurvedic Perspective

Before electromagnetic pollution existed as we know it now, it was a phenomenon discussed in the Ayurvedic texts.

According to the Carak Samhita, a true Vaidya (or Ayurvedic practitioner) is one who practices tri-sutra Ayurveda. This states that when the Vaidya strictly adheres to the three steps of diagnosis to draw up a treatment protocol, success is assured no matter the decade, era or age in which he or she is practicing this holistic science.

The three steps of diagnosis are:

  • Knowing the etiological cause (hetu). This varies with the historical/cultural context.
  • Identifying the symptoms (linga).
  • Suggesting the appropriate treatment protocol (aushadha gyanam).

My father, Vaidya Kameshwar Mishra, used to say, “Fifty percent of the success in helping the patient is assured if you are able to know the etiological factor of the individual’s symptoms.”

Ayurveda also includes symptom-based treatment: linga sutra. We can use this sutra and take care of just the symptoms to a certain degree. But following only linga sutra will be similar to the protocols of modern medicine. By knowing hetu and avoiding the cause or at least informing the patient where the symptoms are originating and manifesting from helps tremendously.

Verse 1

trisütraà çäçvataà puëyaà bubudhe yaà pitämahaù|| ca|sa| sü| 24||

This desire to follow tri-sutra Ayurveda led me to investigate EMR/EMF pollution. In October 1991, I was seeing patients alongside a local doctor in London. Based on the Shaka Vanshiya Ayurveda (SVA) pulse assessment system, I observed that nearly everybody’s laya (rhythm) in the pulse was disturbed in a characteristic way. Yet I was not able to isolate the hetu (the etiological cause).

My father was alive at the time so I called him and discussed what I was observing in the pulse readings. He surprised me when he said that type of laya was nothing new! In our lineage, he said, we had been treating patients with similar problems long before modernity. The laya I felt in the London pulse readings was similar to problems experienced by people when they or their residence had been struck by lightning!

In the Shastras, this pollutant in the pulse is identified as indravajravijanya visha. Since there was no electricity in my village when I was practicing there, I had not been able to immediately isolate the hetu. It had not occurred to me that the overload of electrical charge due to lightning could be similar to EMF/EMR overexposure.

After drawing the parallel, I was able to further confirm the similarities. Present-day electric (over-) load can create problems akin to lightning in the pulse. My father’s instructions were to analyze the vikriti, the nature of the imbalance, and then to follow the same protocol that we used on people who had been struck with lighting.

After contemplating his answer, I realized that this disturbance involved vibrational pollution or toxicity corrupting the physiology through the channels and disturbing the marmas. Marmas are vital points, trigger points for pranic flow. I draw an analogy between marma points and electrical switches, which regulate the flow of electricity as opposed to prana and also serve as delivery points for electricity and by extension prana.

EMFs and EMR are agneya (fiery) in nature and maruteya (air predominant). They disrupt the elemental balance of the environment by interfering with soma: the liquid-based balancing and stabilizing element.

What are EMF and EMR?
Electromagnetic waves at low frequencies are electromagnetic fields (EMF); those at very high frequency are called electromagnetic radiations (EMR). Electric charges create electric fields, even appliances that are plugged in when turned off.

When electrons flow through a wire, they create magnetic fields. The World Health Organization states that exposure to a magnetic field of more than 60 hertz has significant biological effects. In our current lifestyle, we are exposed to more than 60 hertz on a regular basis.

The organs and systems related to specific marmas are affected by EMFs and EMR. The primary area affected is the susuhmna nadi, through which these corrupt energies enter the spinal cord and the physical body.

Exposure to EMF can pollute the nadis, the vibrational channels which in turn, can disturb the physical channels and create imbalances in the physiology’s entire cellular network. Sandhi, or gaps, are the loci where all transformational activity in the physiology takes place. EMF/EMR vibrations enter these transformational gaps and disturb the agnis (digestive fires) in the deha, the cellular system; the jathar agni in the stomach; the bhutagnis in the liver; the dhatu agnis that govern metabolism; the medhya agni in the brain; the sadhaka agni in the chest area; the bharjaka agni in the skin and the alochaka pitta in the eyes.

When the body is exposed to EMF-contaminated prana, it is unable to produce ojas because disturbed soma, the raw material for ojas, is not intelligent, in other terms, corrupt and unable to follow its functional path.

Electromagnetic Fields and Public Health

Prana according to Shaka Vanshiya Ayurveda (SVA)

Prana is subtle vibrational energy that supports every aspect of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Prana has three components:

  • Soma (nature’s nourishing, cooling intelligence)
  • Agni (nature’s warming, transforming intelligence)
  • Marut (nature’s moving, deciding intelligence).

Although contemporary Ayurveda begins from vata, pitta and kapha, the origin of these three doshas is soma, agni and marut.

Tri-sutra Ayurveda according to Carak involves understanding and designing treatment protocols based on how the soma, agni and marut influence the three doshas and in turn how the three doshas appear as imbalances, literally, in the physiology.

trisütraà çäçvataà puëyaà bubudhe yaà pitämahaù|| ca|sa| sü| 24||

Verse 2

deha präëa saàyoge äyuù||
äyurveda sütra-P.V.Sharma ||

Life is the Flow of Prana in the Body

The simplest way to understand prana is to compare it to electricity. For electricity to flow through a battery or wire and, for example,
light up a bulb, three components are needed: positive current, negative current and the connection or flow between the two. Without all three, the light would not shine.

If we were to compare the body to a battery, soma would be the negative flow, agni the positive flow and marut would be the current between them.

Another way of understanding Prana is to view soma as the nurturing energy, agni as the transforming energy and marut as the circulating energy.

Entry Routes Of Prana Into The Physical Body

We all know that prana flows into the physical body through the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we ingest. The primordial force or energy of nature in the form of prana also continuously enters through the nadis (vibrational channels) via the adhipati marma and also through the nadis governing the sense organs and the openings of the sense organs (see list below).

Natural (including sun rays and cosmic radiation) and artificial sources (computers, cell phones, power lines, X-rays and all electromagnetic devices) emit Ionizing radiation (EMR) and non-ionizing radiations (EMF).

These enter the physical body through:

  • Main Vibrational channels:
    • Adhipati Marma
    • Nadis (vibrational channels)
    • Ida, Pingala, Gandhari, Hasti Jivha, Pusha, Yasashwini, Alambusha and Loma Randra
  • Karmendriyas (sense organs): nose (nasa), eyes (netra), ears (karna), mouth (jihvaa) and the pores of the skin (lomavivara).

The vibrational channels connected to the main nadi (susuhmna nadi) are linked to the spinal cord; through the spinal cord prana is delivered to all the body’s organs and systems.

I have developed a pulse reading technique that enables trained practitioners to feel and observe the flow of impaired prana or overload of EMR/EMF in the pulse. We can also detect how sometimes the left or right side of the body may not be receiving or circulating enough prana. These findings are always confirmed by the individual. Over several years, I have noticed how this can become recurrent. When the pranic imbalance or overload of EMF/EMR is left unaddressed, it can lead to chronic problems in related organs or systems.

Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and the Electromagnetic Field (EMF) from an Ayurvedic Perspective

EMR predominantly pollutes the agni aspect of prana while EMF primarily corrupts the marut aspect of prana.

In nature and in our body, marut is responsible for the intelligence that governs how much transformation of soma should take place at any particular time and in which area(s) of the physical body this should occur. Additionally, marut governs the transportation of agni and soma to the deepest levels of our cellular system and ensures maintenance of healthy vibrational circulation.

Agni is responsible for the actual act of transformation of soma, but marut tells agni how much to transform, when to transform and where to transform.

Exposure to high-frequency EMF seems to corrupt the basic intelligence of marut so that it can no longer assess how much soma is needed to be transformed.

On the other hand, exposure to EMR can disturb and pollute the power of the actual act of agni in transformation.


Some of the possible symptoms experienced due to over-exposure to EMF/EMR

  • Morning fatigue without physical or known physiological reason.
  • Disruption of coordination between mind and body.
  • Lack of glow, diminishment of brightness in the face or eyes without any physical and emotional reason.
  • Lack of early morning enthusiasm, feeling sad, sense of falling apart, not enjoying every breath and/or negative feelings towards everything.
  • Imbalanced hunger and changes in bowel movements without any physical reason.
  • Unusual burps and apana release without any physical causes.
  • Feeling tingling or crawling sensations in the hands, feet or anywhere in the body; sharp shooting pains without any identifiable reason.
  • Disturbed sleep or lack of sexual desire without any identifiable reasons.

A Selection of Scientific Studies on EMF and EMR:

––Modern scientific research establishes a possible correlation between EMF and cancer. According to a 2010 report by D.O. Carpenter, published in Reviews on Environmental Health, exposure to high levels of EMF and RF energy fields has been shown to correlate with elevated rates of brain cancer and acoustic neuroma on the side of the head where people used a cellular phone. Individuals who are exposed to these frequencies at younger ages are more vulnerable.

––EMF exposure can disturb cell to cell communication. Gap junctions are protein bridges between cells. They are fundamental to the cell-to-cell communication that is necessary to maintain healthy cells.

––EMF negatively impacts on organs and systems of the hysical body, particularly the pineal gland and the endocrine system.

There are a growing number of scientific studies demonstrating how the excessive exposure to EMF/EMR can cause heart arrhythmias, corrupt cellular activity, increase risk of Alzheimer’s, childhood leukemia and other diseases.

Although we are now aware of the possible harm caused by the electromagnetic devices we use in our daily routine, we have grown dependent on these devices. They expedite our lives and they increase our efficiency. However, Mother Nature has gifted us with numerous tools and techniques that can help shield us from the deleterious effects of EMF/EMR pollution. The key is in enhancing the ability of our nadis or channels, organs and systems to handle the over-charge and evacuate it in a timely manner.

The Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda (SVA) lineage has taken the cue from the ancient wisdom of The Samhitas and formulated protocols
suitable for the modern world and lifestyle. The protocols specifically address the nadis and gaps, or may be the synaptic clefts in the physiology, so that people can reap the benefits of modern technology without polluting their channels.

SVA Protocols for Countering EMF/EMR

  • Vibrational Massage
    • Practice daily – morning or evening
    • Procedure: Do whole body vibrational cleansing massage without touching the body in a swiping motion with hands, starting from head and moving to the toes. You can even do this while wearing clothes.
  • Self Marma Massage: This opens the nadis and the marmas to deliver prana to all the organs and systems. Self Marma Massage cleans the EMF and any corrupted vibrations. Self massage with the following herbs in herbal oil or creams will benefit in maintaining healthy channels:
    • Prasarini: opens the channels.
    • Brahmi: enhances flow of prana to the mind and power of dhi (learning) dhriti (retention) and smriti (recall).
    • Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), shankapushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) and sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica):
      these support the primary prana-receiving vibrational channels and the nervous system, removes pollution and enhances reception and flow of prana.
    • De-glycerized licorice: re-establishes balance and supplies soma-predominant prana to the deeper cellular system.
    • Tulsi:(holy basil or Ocimum sanctum): Increases resistance to environmental pollution.
    • Sandalwood: cools bhrajaka pitta, rehydrates the channels and soothes the eyes.
    • Rose: rehydrates the skin
    • Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) and ashoka (Sarca indica) deliver prana to the heart and balance the emotions. (Sadhaka
      pitta is the subdosha of pitta related to the emotional state and expression of the heart.)

Self-Marma Massage:

Oils or creams made from the aforementioned herbs should be applied on the following marmas (see the chart on page 46).

  • Adhipati
  • Krikatika
  • Sthapani on the center of the eyebrows
  • Kanth on the sternal notch
  • Talahridaya on the center of the palms and soles of the feet
  • Krikatika, Ansa on the shoulders
  • Katik taruna on the lower spine
  • Ani on both the elbows
  • Urvi on the thighs (front and back) of legs
  • and Janu on the knees (front and back) of both legs.

Begin at Adhipati then move downwards to massage all the mentioned marmas.

Apply cream or oil clockwise (with very gentle massage strokes clockwise in circular motion) as if the clock were in the body.

After the marma massage, complete a gentle full-body massage.

Rest for 20 minutes.

Routine Recommendations for Reducing Radiation Toxicity Food

  • Eat somagenic and soma-enhancing food. This includes organic fresh foods, especially summer squashes, okra, fresh organic greens, fresh sweet juicy fruits, fresh yoghurt, cow’s ghee made with organic cultured butter (butter derived from buttermilk) and fresh paneer made with organic milk.
  • Cook with soma-enhancing, channel-opening and cleansing spices such as coriander, fennel, cumin, black pepper, green cardamom and turmeric in proper ratios suited to your physiology.
  • Prepare your food with proper samyog (combinations) and samskar (cooking).


  • Use indoor plants in the bedroom and office to purify the air.
  • Walk under moonlight, especially when the moon is full or nearly full.
  • Lay down on the ground (clean sand or clay soil is the most powerful).
  • Walk near water (lakes or rivers) or spend time under big, green trees.

At Home

  • Unplug Wi-Fi-s before going to bed.
  • Limit and/or eliminate microwave usage
  • Remove digital clocks from the bed-post/head area
  • Pregnant women and children should especially limit cell phone and computer usage.

SVA Tea recipe to balance EMF

¼ teaspoon coriander seed
¼ tsp organic rose petals
1 pinch bacopa (Bacopa monieri)
1 quart spring or purified water

Boil the water then add the spices.
Cover and let the spices and herbs steep.
Pour in a Thermos.

Drink at room temperature by sipping slowly throughout the day.

Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda (SVAVA) protocols have been time-tested by a group of doctors in both India and the West and have been designed to support the entire physiology. The SVA protocols utilize pulse evaluation to identify imbalances created by EMF and EMR and then utilize a variety of remedies that have been tested as to their therapeutic suitability.

Vaidya R.K. Mishra is a world-renowned Ayurvedic healer issuing from an ancient lineage of Shudh Ayurved Raj Vaidyas from the Shaka Vansya tradition. Author of innumberable articles and co-author of The Answer to Cancer, he travels extensively in North America and Canada to give workshops and in-person ayurvedic educational consultations. He also offers on-line workshops, seminars, and courses. He is currently teaching an extensive detailed course: The Caraka Samhita, A to Z. For more information on his courses or tour schedule, please visit: or call the Prana Center at (888) 324 – 2634 (888 – 3CHANDI).

SVA Health

Selected Cited References and Additional Reading

World Health Organization Fact Sheet Number 322, June 2007. Accessed at:

D.O. Carpenter. 2010. Electromagnetic fields and cancer: the cost of doing nothing. Reviews on Environmental Health. 25(1): 75-80.

R.P. Liburdy, D.E. Callahan, J. Harland, E. Dunham, T.R. Sloma and P.Yaswen. 1993. Experimental evidence for 60 Hz magnetic fields operating through the signal transduction cascade – effects on calcium influx and c-MYC mRNA induction. FEBEBS Letters. 334(3): 301-308.

Antidepressant Facts: The Serotonergicsystem, the Pineal gland and side effects of serotonin-acting anti-depressants

Atmospheric Ion Research: Advanced Research on Atmospheric Ions by Guy Cramer, July 11, 1996 from Peter R. Breggin M.D. and Ginger Ross Breggin, Talking Back To Prozac, published by St. Martins Press, 1994.

The Body Electric, Electromagnetism and the Foundation Of Life by Robert O. Becker, M.D. and Gary Selden published by William Morrow and Company, 1985.

Recommended Reading

Zapped by Ann Louise Gittleman, published by HarperOne, 2010.

Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? by Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D. and Martin Zucker, published by Basic Health, 2010.

DVD: How to Balance Electromagnetic EMF and EMR Exposure by Vaidya Mishra: (available at


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