What to Pack for Delivery and Diaper Changes on the Go
By Laurel House
Being a new mom means an entirely different set of accessories than you may be used to carrying. From stocking the hospital bag, driving home after delivery, scheduling breast feeding, venturing out in public, and everything new to the routine of a new mom with a newborn, here are a few of my suggestions for packing the bags with ease.
What’s in YOUR Hospital Bag? Here’s Mine:
- I’m obsessed with the TWELVElittle Allure Convertible Satchel. Mine is beige and the multifunctional design allows it to serve as my bag to pack for the hospital delivery as well as my go-to diaper bag. It’s waterproof, has multiple interior pockets, and big exterior pockets for easy access.
Here’s what I packed to have close by during delivery:
- Bellybuds. During labor, I want my baby to stay as calm as possible, so, I continue feeding him the soothing music that he’s been listening to since his hearing developed in utero at 20 weeks through the Bellybuds headphone style sound system. He likes Vivaldi (and, it has been said to up his IQ).
- 2 sets of comfortable PJs. Even better if they are breastfeeding tops.
- 1 soft nursing bra. Zulily.com is my best friend for high quality maternity, nursing, and baby clothes.Breast pads.
- Maxi pads.
- Face wipes.You will sweat during delivery. You will feel sticky and dirty and gross. Give yourself a little relief with the quick swipe of a face wipe. KAIA Naturals Juicy Bamboo cleansing cloths act as a three-for-one cleanser + toner + makeup remover. The super soft, biodegradable, individually wrapped bamboo cleansing cloths are soaked in heated and liquefied honey, vitamins B12, C and E to hydrate and gently clean the skin.
- Concealer.
- Mascara. My fave is Pur Minerals Volume Vixen.
- Dry shampoo. Saving Grace Hair Powder in blonde. Since I haven’t been able to color my roots, this naturally fills in my roots and instantly ups my confidence.
- Toothbrush and toothpaste. Slim Sonic portable, mascara-sized “electric” toothbrush.
- Stretchmark preventing oil. Bon Skincare travel wand spray (I use it every day and have ZERO stretch marks!)
- Slippers. I am all about my Isotoners!
- Socks.
- Prepackaged or premade snacks. Momme meals Go Chews are the perfect bite-sized snacks; stuffed with figs, peanut butter, apricots, and a ton of nourishing vitamins and minerals they are both delicious and healthy.
- Phone charger.
- Birthing Playlist preset on my iPhone.
- Bluetooth stereo. Beats by Dre Beats Pill.
- Going home cotton dress. (Yes…trying to be like Kate Middleton). I’m a fan of the Dressed to Deliver Chloe Birthing Gown because it’s soft, stretchy, and made for breastfeeding.
- Baby going home outfit.
- Celebratory Bubbles! You might not want to drink actual alcohol (since you will be breast feeding), but how about a glass of celebratory bubbly with 9Months, a sparkling non-alcoholic bubbly made from grapes grown in southern Australia.
Once Finley (my little man) has arrived, I have my diaper bag contents picked out and ready to go to show off his adorable face.
What’s in YOUR Diaper Bag? Here’s Mine:
- Face Wipes. NeatCheeks stevia flavored face wipes (babies love it… or rather, like it more than a dry face wipe).
- Blanket. BonnBonn Baby Antimicrobial Moisture Wicking Amazing Wonder Blanket. It’s perfect for swaddling, burping, and changing.
- Diapers. The quantity depends on the number of hours you’ll be away. Always plan on a couple more than needed… just in case.
- Wipes. I love Honest diapers and wipes to keep him fresh and clean. Naturally.
- Booger extractor. You might not think about it until you need it, but your infant doesn’t know how to blow his nose. Particularly after a tantrum, he might need a little help getting the boogers out. Oogiebear has a stopper to avoid going too deep into the nasal cavity, plus the two-sided extractor is made for both wet and dry boogers.
- Skin-to-skin action accessory. The SleepBelt is a hands-free skin-to-skin support system that literally belts your sleeping baby to you. It’s not a wrap, sling or carrier. It has no knots, clips, or buckles that can strain the neck, back or shoulders. Recommended by La Leche League International, the four-way stretch naturally mimics the womb and will ease your antsy baby.
- Change of Clothes. Always be ready to change your top. The Lalabu Soothe Shirts will be a complete lifesaver. It’s stylish and functional with its discreet kangaroo pouch to keep your baby held tight to your chest without adding an additional heat-increasing layer. Because it’s made with super strong (yet incredibly soft) material, it doesn’t quickly stretch out from babywear. Plus, it allows you to hold your baby close, hands-free.
- Gripe Water. Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water is an all-natural herbal supplement that relieves fussiness by easing stomach discomfort often associated with colic, gas, and hiccups. It’s one of the best natural infant crying solutions.
- Spit up Eraser. Dried milk from leaky breasts, forgotten spit up, and baby powder is quickly erased with the Unmarx eraser.
- Breast Soother. Fishbellies microwave/freezer hot cold packs that look like a stuffed animal, but offers relief to breastfeeding mommies.
On-The-Go Mommy MUST!
- The BEST Breast Pump for Working Moms. The Medela breast pump is the Rolls Royce of consumer breast pumps, and your insurance might even cover it (call and ask). The double electric pump is ultra-lightweight, easy to use, and gets the job done efficiently and effectively. Because it simulates natural nursing patterns, it can even help improve milk flow. It’s more expensive but worth it.
- At-Home Pumping. Evenflo Manual Breast Pump is significantly less expensive and perfect for at-home moms who want to alleviate the pressure of engorged breasts, but don’t need to suck the life out of them. Refrigerate or freeze the extra milk in the Evenflo storage bags or deposit it directly into the glass vented bottles to start intermittently training your baby for bottlefeeding.
Laurel House is a writer, speaker and coach. SingleMomDatingCoach.com

Laurel House is a Santa Monica-born, bred, and based dating and relationship coach, helping to empower her clients to be their best selves so that they can find the love the deserve. She has a no-games, rule-screwing approach, teaching her clients exactly what to say and do, how to present themselves online and in-person, and the specific strategy to find love- hard, deep, and fast, just like she and so many of her clients have. Laurel believes that dating is about clarity through communication, and with clarity comes confidence. Laurel is called a “Man Whisperer,” Dating Jedi Master, Relationship Fairy, and Cyrano. More than anything else, Laurel demystifies dating so that you can confidently date with integrity and purpose.