To support your practice, Gogh Jewelry Design is giving you a FREE yoga inspired necklace!
Szilvia Gogh, founder of Gogh Jewelry Design, is often inspired by how yoga practice has changed her life for the better. That is why she created a line of yoga inspired jewelry. Wearing these yoga necklaces, yoga bracelets and yoga earrings is a great reminder to stay mindful of each day and to live life to the fullest. She finds them to be powerful tools for practicing mindfulness. In an exclusive offer, Szilvia is giving away a yoga inspired necklace, to help focus your intentions FREE of charge.
We are living in crazy times, which has led to an understandable increase in depression and anxiety. “I am happy to be able to support you and our yoga community during these tough times,” stated Szilvia about her initiative of giving away jewelry for depression and anxiety. Choose your favorite design at from the special selection at:, add it to your cart and just pay the shipping ($7.99). No strings attached.
Gogh Jewelry Design is unique line of stunning jewelry made from nature’s most basic elements. Szilvia’s mission is to both give back and to celebrate life. Handcrafted jewelry inspires two types of value. There’s the monetary value expensive diamonds and gems provide. The second type of value is sentimental. A piece of jewelry that has meaning and purpose can offer more value than opulence. For jewelry designer Szilvia Gogh, pieces can be beautiful and say something too. This is the philosophy you’ll find within the collections of Gogh Jewelry Design.

Felicia Tomasko has spent more of her life practicing Yoga and Ayurveda than not. She first became introduced to the teachings through the writings of the Transcendentalists, through meditation, and using asana to cross-train for her practice of cross-country running. Between beginning her commitment to Yoga and Ayurveda and today, she earned degrees in environmental biology and anthropology and nursing, and certifications in the practice and teaching of yoga, yoga therapy, and Ayurveda while working in fields including cognitive neuroscience and plant biochemistry. Her commitment to writing is at least as long as her commitment to yoga. Working on everything related to the written word from newspapers to magazines to websites to books, Felicia has been writing and editing professionally since college. In order to feel like a teenager again, Felicia has pulled out her running shoes for regular interval sessions throughout Southern California. Since the very first issue of LA YOGA, Felicia has been part of the team and the growth and development of the Bliss Network.