Deborah Donohue: How does Reconnective Healing differs from the other healing modalities?

Reconnective Healing Practitioner Kelly Woodruff: The first and most important, is that unlike other healing modalities, the Reconnective Healing practitioner does not send energy. What we do with Reconnective Healing is to access this new larger broader bandwidth of healing frequencies, not just energy, but what we refer to as light and information. We observe and hold these frequencies. This allows the patient to connect with them directly. When that connection or that reconnection happens, they begin to literally download the light and information of that reconnection. When they receive that new information, it allows the body to come back to a place of balance and healing can occur.

Reconnective Healing is not technique based; we are literally just accessing and holding the frequencies. Once we interact with the frequencies we begin to resonate with them, and become more able to access light and information. Again, it’s more than just energy healing. We know that energy work gets weaker with distance. Reconnective Healing actually gets stronger with distance.

DD: The Reconnective Healer acts more as a catalyst or a conduit rather than a channel?

KW: Exactly. We are Reconnective Healing practitioners, not Reconnective Healers. We’re distinct about saying that, because we recognize we’re not doing the work. We are just the catalyst or conduit that allows it to happen.We’re talking about a healing modality that is directed and guided by the universe, not by our limited conscious mind or our conscious knowledge.

DD: Do you feel that the phenomena of 2012 has a correlation to these frequencies being available at this time?

KW: Nobody really knows. Certainly that is a possibility. Whether it’s 2012, or our own personal or humanity’s evolution, whether it’s a shifting collective consciousness brought about by just our time on the planet or our development, it may be a combination of all those things, but something is definitely different and it has allowed us to work with this new or broader bandwidth in a way that really wasn’t possible up until now. Remember, we’re talking about this bandwidth of frequencies, but the frequencies themselves are not the healing. The frequencies themselves are the carrier, if you will, of the information that allows us then to heal.

DD: How does the practice of Yoga fit into this equation?

KW: Douglas Stewart, my Yoga teacher, is also trained in the Reconnection, and we started experimenting with it. But we were sort of like, hmm, I wonder if it’s just us. We’re practitioners, we’re soaking in the whole thing, we know it and we know what it feels like, so I wonder if it’s just us that are going to have these experiences. Then we started experimenting with others and the remarkable thing was, whether they were already a practitioner, whether they had never been a practitioner, whether they were experienced yogis or whether they had just started practicing Yoga, on some level pretty much everyone reported that they had some sort of experience.

DD: How would a Reconnective Yoga class or Yoga session go?

KW: There are a number of different ways of integrating the frequencies into class: charging the room prior to class, moving into asanas with the instructor spotting energetically hands-off, having the instructor doing hands-on healing when they are doing a regular physical hands-on spot; in meditation, with the kriyas and while in savasana. We’re exploring ways in every aspect of the practice that you can apply the frequencies, sometimes focusing as you would in a regular yoga class, on one aspect or another. What we do consistently in every class is charge the room before we start and have some experience of healing or holding the frequencies during savasana. It’s serious and yet fun. There’s a sense of play and exploration and lightheartedness about it. It’s supposed to be light and expanded and joyful and loving and full of love. That’s what the universe wants for us. That’s what our birthright is. We are connecting to the fullness of the universe, and that deep connection is allowing us to heal.

For more information on Reconnective Yoga and Reconnective Healing, visit:



Kelly Woodruff

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