Yogananda's Legacy at Yogananda Day

5 Significant Examples of Yogananda’s Legacy

  1. As one of the founding fathers of Yoga in the West, Yogananda brought a fresh new expression of an eternal truth: Self Realization. The essence of Self Realization is free from sectarianism. It cannot be bound by any organization (SRF, Ananda, etc.). It is not group or church realization; instead it is individual, self realization. Yogananda shared how each individual can have personal, direct contact with realization and how this inner harmony will lead to outward unity throughout the world. A quote along those lines from the Autobiography of a Yogi, “Kriya Yoga, the scientific technique of God-realization, he finally said with solemnity, will ultimately spread in all lands, and aid in harmonizing the nations through man’s personal, transcendental perception of the Infinite Father.”
  2. In addition to inner communion, Yogananda was very enthusiastic about World Brotherhood Communities. A small group of people coming together with purpose and clarity of heart and mind have the power to change the world. Small intentional communities are a deeply meaningful part of Yogananda’s legacy in the world today. These “Cities of Light” will encircle the globe and usher in a new age of higher consciousness.
  3. His perennial spiritual classic, Autobiography of a Yogi, continues to inspire people in all different spheres of life. This includes entertainment “Beam me up, Scotty” to the only book Steve Jobs had on his iPad and the book given out at this funeral service. Autobiography of a Yogi is one of the main manuals for living in this new age of divine energy.
  4. Establishing harmony and oneness of Christianity, Hinduism, and all true religions. Uniting science and religion through study and practical realization of the unity of their underlying principles.
  5. Furthering the cultural and spiritual understanding between East and West, and the constructive exchange of the distinctive features of their civilizations.

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Celebrate Yogananda’s Legacy at YoganandaFest

Celebrate Yogananda’s Legacy at the Free Yogananda Fest on March 7. Schedule and tickets.

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