Ayurveda and Optimal Digestion

  Digestive diseases and related imbalances are more common than imbalances in any other system of the body except the mind. While conditions including irritable bowel syndrome, gastric reflux disease, ulcers and ulcerative collitis are quite common, it is the milder disturbances such as gas, bloating, cramping, constipation and diarrhea that plague most people. Everyone [...]

By |2016-12-24T05:26:43-08:00July 7th, 2010|Ayurveda|0 Comments

Ayurveda Q & A

Ayurveda has been practiced in the US for only about 30 years, yet it is one of the systems of medicine native to India and is thousands of years old. Readers are invited to submit questions for “Ayurveda Q & A” to ayurveda@layogamagazine.com. Q: I am pregnant and am having trouble figuring out which herbs are safe [...]

By |2012-08-25T18:04:39-07:00June 25th, 2010|Ayurveda|0 Comments

Developing an Ayurvedic Daily Practice

  In Ayurveda, our daily practice or sadhana defines the actions that lead you directly toward your goal. What is your goal? If your goal is enlightenment, your sadhana is comprised of the actions that will lead you there. This is the path of Yoga and the practices are defined within the context of the [...]

By |2016-12-24T05:34:05-08:00June 25th, 2010|Ayurveda|0 Comments

Probiotic Ghee

The value of pure cow’s ghee is repeated continuously throughout the Ayurvedic texts. Cow’s milk, yogurt, butter and paneer (fresh cheese) are all hailed for their pure vibration and nourishing influence in the physiology, but probiotic ghee is said to be the best of all. The multi-step process of refinement when making ghee yields a [...]

By |2016-08-01T01:35:23-07:00June 25th, 2010|Ayurveda|0 Comments

Ghee Carries Medicine Into The Body

In Ayurveda, ghee is widely considered the best carrier or anupana when delivering healing to the deep tissues of the body. It has been a staple in the Indian family kitchen for generations; for use in cooking, as well as a wide variety of medicinal applications. For these reasons, medicinal ghee is a powerful method [...]

By |2016-08-01T01:50:55-07:00June 25th, 2010|Ayurveda|0 Comments

How To Make The Very Best Ghee

Ghee is sweet in taste and cooling in energy, rejuvenating, good for the eyes and vision, enkindles digestion, bestows luster and beauty, enhances memory and stamina, increases the intellect, promotes longevity, is an aphrodisiac and protects the body from various diseases. ––Bhavaprakasha (16th century Ayurvedic text) Spring is the very best time of the year [...]

By |2015-04-11T09:03:48-07:00June 25th, 2010|Ayurveda|0 Comments

Build Vitality through Live Food

Ghee is used by Ayurvedic practitioners to build ojas (vitality and the source substance that governs the stability and immunity of the body). Although in the Ayurvedic system ghee is recommended for balancing aggravated pitta (fire element), I do not necessarily recommend it for general use because it is a dairy product and a cooked [...]

By |2017-01-06T05:58:49-08:00June 25th, 2010|Ayurveda|0 Comments

Ayurveda Q & A

Dr. Sarita Shresta Ayurveda has been practiced in the US for only about 30 years, yet it is one of the systems of medicine native to India and is thousands of years old. Question: I have stage four endometriosis with adhesions on my bowel. I was operated on using laporoscopy three times. I am [...]

By |2016-06-13T23:05:22-07:00May 26th, 2010|Ayurveda|0 Comments

Investigating Ayurveda With Amma Sri Karunamayi

Amma Sri Karunamayi Beloved by many, giver of blessings, teacher of mantra and meditation, spiritual teacher Amma Sri Karunamayi embodies the grace of the divine mother. She has been teaching the philosophical and practical teachings of Yoga and  Ayurveda to people in the cities where she stops and visits. LA YOGA had the [...]

By |2016-12-28T01:05:13-08:00May 26th, 2010|Ayurveda|0 Comments

Travel With Ease Using Herbal Teas

  Herbal Teas are Travel Remedies Whether traveling for business or pleasure, across the country or across the globe, no one is exempt from the toils of travel. Even a short flight can leave us feeling out of sorts, carrying with it a wide variety of traveler’s symptoms – apparently not everything stays in Vegas. [...]

By |2018-07-18T17:36:16-07:00May 26th, 2010|Ayurveda|0 Comments
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