Author, speaker, teacher, visionary, world-changer Dr. Wayne Dyer believed in the potential for each one of us to fully affect and live our destiny. His life and work provided both roadmap and example for possibility. He believed in the ability for us to live our dreams. The world is forever changes because of his commitment to speaking out. On Sunday, August 30. Wayne Dyer left this physical plane. Although he had been diagnosed with leukemia, he had also been vocal in his path of healing and had successfully eliminated the disease from his body; the cause of his death was attributed to heart failure.

Dr. Wayne Dyer earned his PhD in educational counseling and was a professor at St. John’s University in New York before his 1976 book, Your Erroneous Zones, became one of the best-selling books of all time. Since then, his inspirational words have impacted countless seekers on the path. “My purpose is to help people look at themselves and begin to shift their concepts,” Dr. Dyer said. “Remember, we are not our country, our race, or religion. We are eternal spirits. Seeing ourselves as spiritual beings without label is a way to transform the world and reach a sacred place for all of humanity.” This is his profound legacy. May we all carry the torch with hope, light, and sacred spirit.

Felicia Tomasko is the editor in chief of LA YOGA and Find Bliss Magazines and the President of the Bliss Network.

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