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Upcoming EventsTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 177:00 P.M. Medicine Cabinet MakeOver with Essential OIls. Learn how to use Essential Oils for everyday health challenges. Sybaris Rejuvenation Lounge. 1301 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica. 7:00 P.M. – 9:30 P.M. Winter Solstice. Celebrate the magic of Winter Solstice with a Naam Meditation celebration of Love, Peace and Light led by Dr. Joseph Michael Levry, founder of Naam Yoga Thursday. Light refreshments to follow, please bring your mat and a cushion. Naam Yoga.1231 4th St., Santa Monica. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Don Jose Ruiz Agreement of Love and Book Signing. Come and learn the tools you need to change what you need to change to let go of the bad habits that no longer serve you. Toltec means artist and we are all artists of life. We all have something in our lives that takes away our creativity and inspiration. Come make an agreement of love to let go of whatever is taking your inspiration away and transform your life into a masterpiece of art. $35 pre-reg and $45 day of. Golden Bridge Yoga. 719 Broadway St., Santa Monica. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20 108 Sun Salutations Celebrating the Solstice. Join instructor Sandy DeJohn as she leads you through 108 Sun Salutations as practiced by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. It is a dynamic flow of specific poses synchronized with breathing techniques used to generate internal heat which helps to eliminate toxins. Note: This workshop is not for beginners. Donation-based. Lotus 7 Yoga & Pilates. 2521 Avenica Empressa., Rancho Santa Margarita. 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. http://www.reyogatherapy.comrePLENISH Dull Winter Skin. In this workshop we will explore some Ayurveda and Yoga techniques to feed your skin from the inside and out. We will practice Abhyanga; self oil massage, create a home made facemask and learn about teas/foods that will replenish the moisture and tone of your face and skin. Join us for fun hands on activities to replenish your skin! Class space is limited, reserve your spot by RSVP’ing toinfo@reyogatherapy.com! re:YOGA Therapy. 10001 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles. 11:00 A.M. YOGASMOGA Holiday Party. Join Editor in Chief Felicia Tomasko at 6:30 PM to Renew, Restore & Relax. Felicia’s complimentary Hatha class will help you release tension and settle into a restorative space for full-body balance during the busy holiday season. Yogasmoga. 9458 Dayton Way., Beverly Hills.
More Holiday Gift Ideas Listen Here: http://ayogist.podomatic.com/entry/2015-12-15T23_28_59-08_00 Yoga Chat features world music plus interviews with an eclectic group of guests: teachers, musicians, authors, filmmakers, chefs, health professionals, and many more. Archived podcasts are available on iTunes and at yogachatshow.com
Become a Yoga Teacher: 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training OR Deepen Your Yoga: 50 Hour Immersion True to the philosophy of Yoga Blend, the teacher training is in a non-dogmatic style of yoga utilizing the basic fundamental teachings of yogic philosophy. This training will prepare you to teach beginners right away and it will also take you on a personal journey to deepen your own practice of yoga. These programs include: Visit www.yogablend.com for more information!
Celebrate the magic of Winter Solstice with a Naam Meditation celebration of Love, Peace and Light led by Dr. Joseph Michael Levry, founder of Naam Yoga Thursday, December 17th, 7-9:30pm, light refreshments to follow, please bring your mat and a cushion. For more information, click here.
FEATURING: Gurmukh | Schuyler Grant | Sianna Sherman | Keith Mitchell For more information, click here.
2½ cups Chomp Almond Mylk Instructions – Heat a small saucepan over medium-low heat. Add Chomp’s Almond Mylk and vanilla and heat until it almost simmers; do not bring to a boil. Vedic Astrology with Sam Geppi This Full Moon in Gemini harmonizes the mind and intellect with our beliefs, so that we are able to understand what we believe to be true. If we cannot explain what we believe, then it is just dogma, dogma which fails to help us in time of need and denys us tolerance for those with different beliefs. You may find yourself unsure of your path and looking for alternative answers, so be watchful of ready-made tidbits of New Age pablum masquerading as wisdom. True insight comes only after serious study and inquiry. Read the rest of Sam Geppi’s forecast here: https://layoga.com/life-and-style/astrology/vedic-astrology-december-2015-january-2016/ The app is a free download, and each issue is only $.99 or the entire year for $9.99. Read the entire yoga teacher training guide through our interactive app platform with enhanced social media sharing and live links to programs and websites. Read stories on your mobile device or tablet and take LA YOGA with you anywhere for your research and inspiration. Get your LA Yoga app now. Our Sponsors |

Karen Henry is an Associate Editor at LA YOGA who volunteers in a variety of capacities for nonprofit organizations and artists around Los Angeles. She practices yoga as a counterbalance to her daily impact sports and is a mother of four grown children who also practice yoga . Now, she’s working on teaching yoga and joy of life to the grandkids!