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Business That Touches Your Soul

The Sufis talk about “the world life” and “the soul life.” They say that a person must be attuned to the soul life through meditation and inward experience while simutaneously participating full-out on Earth on the playground of the world life. Congruency is necessary: If one is not successful and happy with the physical dealings of humanity, then one’s soul life suffers immensely.

Max Simon

Bringing Yoga – a union – to these two worlds allows a person to truly feel at peace and on purpose. It is in everyone’s best interest for each one of us to bring our best to the greater community through the vehicle of business and receive energetic and financial support for your contributions and courage.

I’m going to outline two powerful tools that I teach at my Enlightened Entrepreneur events that will help you grow your business with greater ease.

The first is a complete engagement of the senses. Look around and be aware of the people you are serving in your business.Watch them and observe their patterns. Listen to their conversations, and the deeper meanings within their words. Then, ask the question: How you can be of service to these people in the greatest way? This will help you hone your focus, because business is simply about solving other people’s problems.

The second tool is called Magnetic Conscious Marketing. Once you’ve picked up on the needs and desires of those around you, utilize MCM to serve them.

  1. Identify a problem that you know how to solve – one you’ve already solved for yourself.
  2. Reflect to others the problems that you have observed in them. (They’ll resonate with it, I guarantee.).
  3. Show them what will inevitably happen if they continue the patterns that perpetuate this issue.
  4. Establish yourself as a leader at solving this particular problem.
  5. Offer them a solution in the form of a product, service or event.
  6. Share with them what’s possible when they engage your help and give them hope.

By utilizing these tools as well as other tools of the enlightened entrepreneur, you can create a deeply abundant business that genuinely helps others.

Max Simon is a global authority at aligning consciousness and business for your wealth and well-being. His event, The Enlightened Entrepreneur Experience, is the place for conscious entpreneurs to get authentic, heart-centered guidance for massive business success. Check it out and receive a free gift at:

By Max Simon

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