Adi Carter

My platform has always been one of Mindfulness and raising awareness on a subtle level…the type of awareness that if we all made small changes to our daily routine we could generate massive changes. Living in a city, we become accustomed to trash lining the streets. Taking a quick look around, it is shockingly evident that our urban culture relies on disposable containers for everything from food and beverages to electronics and cleaning products. My challenge was to collect all of my trash for three months and use it as a visual resource for educating others about sustainability. I also conceived it as a fundraiser entitled The Mindfulness Challenge which educates people about the dire situation of children living in extreme poverty in trash dumps in Cambodia.

[Look out for a longer story about the trials and tribulations of the Mindfulness Challenge along with Adi Carter’s tips for reducing trash in next month’s Earth Day April issue of LA YOGA.]


Adi Carter resides in Brooklyn, New York, where she teaches yoga and educates about environmental awareness. At the time of press, she has just returned from serving in Cambodia. She serves on the Council of the Green Yoga Association and is the creator of The Mindfulness Challenge, an eco-conscious fundraiser based on the principles outlined in The Diamond Cutter – The Buddha on Managing Your Business and Your Life. In 2008, she raised more than $20,000 through her Mindfulness Challenge for children living in trash dumps in Cambodia, while also educating about sustainable ways of life:


Take The Mindfulness Challenge

LA YOGA and the Green Yoga Association are challenging readers to save all their trash for thirty days. Whoever has the smallest amount of trash (including recyclable materials) at the end of the thirty days is in the running to win free tuition for the Green Yoga Association conference coming up May 29 – 31 at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. Photos, essays and other information due by May 11 to: Please write with comments or questions.

By Adi Carter

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