hands holding a heart

Your Heart: A Source of Healing in the World

The heart is an instrument–the most powerful instrument there is. And like any other instrument, we need to learn how to use it in order to access our ability to be an agent of help and healing in the world. To live from the heart is the highest expression of experiencing life at its fullest. One could even say that to live from the heart is to live in oneness with the highest energy possible, the energy of the Higher Self, the energy of Source.

When we train ourselves in how to bring the loving, wise energy that comes through the heart into our lives, the power of that transformation is not contained only to ourselves and our immediate relationships. When one person expands the openness of their heart, it has the power to encompass the world as a whole. Usually, love heart energy is personal. Sending heart energy to people on the planet is never personal and is much stronger because there are no attachments connected to it.

As we attune ourselves to the energies of the heart, over time we experience new lessons that take hold and begin to manifest as positive change. We learn to favor these energies in place of our previous behaviors which caused us to remain trapped in on-going, attached patterns. This transition is key because with constant use, the heart becomes the compass for learning how to relate to ourselves, others and the world in a way that evolves us forward in a positive direction.

See Through your Heart for Healing

When you start to see the world with the heart, your eye will open to its many inequities. Allowing yourself to feel compassion for those suffering is the first step towards being an agent of help and healing. Discerning positive pathways is the next step towards aligning your life in service for the highest good of yourself and others.

Our hearts are intrinsically linked towards the positive evolution and healing of our world. The evolution of our hearts is therefore correlated to the evolution of the world around us. As we progress towards being more compassionate beings, the effect of our growth spreads outward, like the butterfly effect, setting an example of inspiration to those around us.

By its very nature, energy is not enclosed but flowing through all of our world and the universe. When we send energy to others we are not exhausting our intrinsic energy reserves, which are limited in potential, but rather connecting to our Higher Self and consciously asking to flow with that higher, universal, energy.

Connect to Our Ability to Access Healing in the World

Let’s embark on an exercise to step into this flow and build positive momentum for a place in need.

  • Take a minute to contemplate the world around you.
  • In your heart, find a place or situation where you recognize suffering.
  • When you have focused on this place, hold it into your heart’s energy flow.
  • Allow yourself to become one with this place or situation.
  • Really experience it.
  • Open yourself to the feelings that arise from being there.
  • Breathe in the sensations of the scene.
  • Breathe out your heart’s willingness to help.
  • Feel the energy of the heart stirring with compassion and equanimity for the scene.
  • As the energy expands and fills your heart, offer this statement, “May my heart energy flow into this place. May my heart energy heal any of these disturbances. And may my heart energy be of benefit to this place and those that are suffering.”
  • Relax into the flow of the energy as it moves effortlessly from your heart to that destination.
  • When the heart is content with the energy that has been offered, release the place from your heart’s center.
  • Conclude by thanking your Higher Self for this work.

Through this exercise you become a willing instrument in channeling that higher energy to those in need.

Trust in the Heart for Healing

As we grow in our trust of the heart, the spirit within begins to guide us in fantastic new ways. We become inspired and open to the world around us, open to a new world of creative thinking. We hone our capacity to recognize right from wrong and the confidence to act from that knowledge. We experience the wonder of diverse, fresh, new ideas and our perceptions expand to perceive the world in new ways. Challenges take the shape of opportunities and these opportunities bring new avenues of fulfillment to our lives.

Opening the heart is a transformative process, a process that will grant you the ability to love, share, give, receive and to grow. By learning to live from the heart, we learn the most worthwhile aspects of being alive.

Living from your Heart

For even more meditations and discussions on how to connect to the heart, take in the latest course, Living from Your Heart, made available free of charge by Higher Self Yoga. This course is based on my book, How To Live From Your Heart: Deepen Relationships, Develop Creativity, And Discover Inner Wisdom which includes compelling stories and exercises that provide you with practical ways to listen with your heart; relate to others from your heart; and to be open to new, exciting possibilities.

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