Photo by David Young-Wolff. Yoga Block by Yoga Hustle. Clothing by Iron Lily. Bracelet by Love Pray Jewelry
Yoga blocks can be an essential prop for making practice both comfortable and challenging.
Here are 7 reasons to use yoga blocks and some suggestions for blocks you can buy.
Yoga blocks serve to ‘lift the floor’ to the student; poses assisted with this prop are more accessible for everyone from beginner to experienced yogis.
Maintaining Integrity
Often, when we are intent on touching the floor in poses like pyramid, we end up sacrificing safety and alignment to get there, which means we lose the integrity of the posture. Placing a block to lift the floor changes this dynamic so we can maintain our internal and external focus.
Creating Space
Using a block reduces unhealthy compression and helps us generate the space we need to move in a pose such as twisted triangle. Using more than one block can also reduce the collapse in poses like seated forward folds.
In a pose such as supported bridge with a block, the prop provides gentle traction for areas of the body that can feel collapsed or congested. Exploring placement of the block or blocks allows us the freedom to find the sweet spot.
Providing Support
Restorative or restorative-inspired practices give us opportunity to use props to literally support the body, so we feel nurtured by the pose as we surrender into the release.
Sensory Feedback
Since a block can be used at different heights, it allows us to receive sensory feedback. This is especially important when we work with different versions of a pose, as we progress or deepen into a pose, or when we practice with a changing or healing body. The sensory message helps us to connect to our body in the moment, and even helps us learn to make appropriate adjustments.
In Conclusion: Blocks are for Everyone
No matter what our range of motion, flexibilities, or challenges, a block can make a pose more accessible, powerful and enjoyable, as well as provide opportunities to cultivate joint stabilization and muscle memory.

Photo Courtesy of Yoga Bloc
Yoga Block Recommendations
As a utilitarian prop, the ubiquitous yoga block has taken on a variety of new forms over the past few decades. It is useful for practices that range from active to restorative. Companies have produced options in a number of shapes and sizes made from a wide range of materials. These include wood, cork, and foam. They are thin or thick, with different widths, hollow or solid, and are increasingly made from recycled materials. Here is a selection of innovative and modern yoga blocks.
Yoga Outlet
Everyday Yoga Blocks 3” and 4” thick Foam Yoga Blocks in many colors. $11-12.
Currently on sale for $5.98-8.98.
For more information visit: Yogaoutlet.com
Jade Yoga
Jade Cork Blocks
The material for Jade Cork Yoga Blocks is made from sustainably harvested cork from Portugal. $14.95. Learn more at: Jadeyoga.com
OPTP Performance Block
The dip in the center design of this foam brick offers multiple options for use in functional fitness, yoga, Pilates, and more. $35.95
OPTP Posture Brick
Three sizes of a foam brick have a slight contour around the edges for grip. $14.65-26.20
OPTP Performance Wedges
An ergonomic shape allows for use in a variety of poses. $32.95
Learn more at: Optp.com
Cork Yoga Block $20
Recycled Foam Yoga Block in 5 different solid and three-color blends $16-18 (3 colors vs 1 color)
Manduka Unblock Recycled Foam Yoga Block
The rounded curve of one of the edges offers a surface area with an alternative grip. $24
Learn more at: manduka.com
Yoga Rat
Foam Yoga Blocks
These lightweight props are priced in 2-block sets for easy shopping. $25
Learn more at: Yogarat.com
Hugger Mugger Yoga Products
The variety of weights and materials meet the needs of different practices.
Eco Wood Block
The 3.5” thickness is made of Baltic Birch with a hollow core. $34.95
Eco Bamboo Block
Fast-growing bamboo provides the outer core for this hollow 4” block. $24.95
Cork Yoga Block $19.95
Recycled Foam Yoga Block $16.95
Foam Yoga Block in Sizes from 3-5” $11.95-21.95
Learn more at: Huggermugger.com
Half Moon
Chip Foam Yoga Block
The dense foam blocks are fabricated from offcuts and chips. Their ability to stack and arrange in different configurations makes them versatile. $16
Chip Foam Block Cover
Choose a cover specifically made to fit and extend the life of the foam block. $22
Foam and Block Together $34
Foam Yoga Blocks 3” and 4” thicknesses available in a variety of colors. $10.50-18
Learn more at: shophalfmoon.com

Photo by David Young-Wolff. Yoga Block by Yoga Hustle. Clothing by Iron Lily
Yoga Hustle
Printed Foam Yoga Blocks
The special feature of these high density blocks is their playful prints and patterns. $24
Learn more at: Yogahustle.com
Infinity Strap BRIK
Cork BRIK: The multiple surfaces and edges of this uniquely shaped block offer many height and grip options. $29
Learn more at: Infinitystrap.com
Three Minute Egg
Designed to conform to the shape of the body, the Three Minute Egg is not a block. Available in a range of colors, sizes, and foam densities for every body. Range of prices. Learn more at: Threeminuteegg.com
Cover Your Block!
Keep Your Block Clean! BlocSoc offers a fully-washable, portable yoga block cover. $20
Learn more at: Blocsoc.com
Tiffany Caronia was initially lured to the mat by yoga’s physical benefits, but she soon discovered the profound impact the practice of yoga had on her overall well-being. Working as a publicist for over 10 years, Tiffany immediately noticed the practice’s invaluable effects- reduced anxiety, relief from depression, improved focus, more contentment and acceptance for what is. The practice of yoga quickly became a way of life for Tiffany and she was inspired to share its benefits with others.
Tiffany has studied extensively with Annie Carpenter, holding an advanced certification in Carpenter’s SmartFLOW Yoga methodology. She has also studied yoga therapy at Loyola Marymount University and continues to practice and study with teacher Alexandria Crow. Tiffany’s alignment and anatomically driven classes teach students to move slowly and mindfully. By instructing students how to move into the poses, she teaches them to move with intention and focus their attention so that they can make wise decisions based on the present moment. It’s this skill of concentration — cultivated on the yoga mat — that students can take into their daily lives so they can live with more clarity, awareness and maybe even a little more ease.