Full Moon in Libra

Full Moon in Libra: Self-Actualizing in Relationships

The Full Moon in Libra takes place March 28. It is beginning to whisper sweet nothings into our ears of all the things we long for that the sign Libra brings into our lives. These things include: partnerships, relational love, balance, harmony, and beauty.

This Moon is very other focused. Libra represents relationships in astrology, but unlike Full Moons in Libra of the past, this one has a hefty dose of self-focus included into the mix.  With the pile-up of three planets sitting in opposite sign Aries, the sign of the individual self, this Moon says it takes two to tango in the dance of love.

Deep feelings will be illuminated around our own self-actualization in the face of our closest relationships and partnerships.  Do we feel like we have the freedom to be ourselves in them?  What insecurities or wounding comes up in the face of another that hold us back from being our most authentic selves?

Libra is sitting us down at the table of relations. She wants mutuality here and she wants us to bring our entirety.  Choosing to sit at this table forces us to look straight into the eyes of another with all that we are— insecurities, wounds, pain and all, to cultivate deeper bonds, and manifest the type of love we desire.

Pull up a chair, take a seat at the table and let us examine our authenticity in relation to the people in our lives, and relationships yet to manifest.

full moon in libra journaling

Full Moon in Libra Journaling

The Table

Imagine that you’re sitting at a table. There are two chairs at this table: One for you and one for other. (Those you are in relationships and partnerships with).

To sit that this table there must be a natural reciprocity present. To bring themselves to the table, everyone must bring their self— their whole self.  This includes the insecurities, wounds, and parts of ourselves we feel uncomfortable sharing.

During this exercise you will imaginatively place the different people in your life across from you at the table.  Explore anyone in your life while answering these questions in journal form. The more we examine these parts of ourselves, the more our relationships can deepen, and the faster we can attract the partnerships we desire into our lives.

* Bonus points if put yourself at the end of the table and ask these questions in relation to yourself.  

Reflection Questions

  • _______________________ (insert name of person you’re in relation to) is sitting across from me at the table.
  • What do I hold back from feeling and emoting around them?  Why?
  • What do I hold back in my expression of self around them?  Why?
  • Is it just this person that I hold back these parts of myself with?  Do I withhold these from myself? Why?
  • Do I feel like there is room to make mistakes without serious consequences?  Why?
  • How can I bring these isolated parts of myself to the table so I can feel more self-actualized in my relationship?


Full Moon in Libra Ceremony & Workshop

To dive deeper into this self-actualization process within your relationships, and partnerships yet to manifest, join us Saturday, March 27th from 3:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.  Participate in, “Letting Love Bloom, A Full Moon in Libra Ceremony & Workshop to Manifest Love & Deepen Relationships.” Learn More about workshops at Astro.Gong.Yoga.



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